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[Terminée] Traduction William Dunbar - Un puissant allié

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Oddye MessagePosté le: Dim 18 Aoû 2013 20:20   Sujet du message: [Terminée] Traduction William Dunbar - Un puissant allié Répondre en citant  
Fleur immonde

Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2008
Messages: 1945
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A powerful ally.

"Oh no. It would be too simple, Ulrich... Listen !
Because I'm close to Yumi, you have a question. A fucking question that you can't find an answer. But I will give you a friendly advice. Talk with Yumi ! With your heart!
Or else, one day, I will talk with her! And at this time, I would REALLY become your problem."
#36 Marabounta



Around 1m70 (a little higher than Yumi)


We can see that, as Odd, Lyoko reminds to William some video games with savage names, which William seems to play a lot of time !


"Yeah, but you have been fired because you stuck a lot of posters on the walls of your school, haven't you?".
#27 New Order

We don't know anything about the schooling of William, except that he is in 3eme and in the same class than Yumi. Sometimes, he confounds his controls and he revises geography instead of mathematics.


My uncle worked on docks. And I often went with him during the holidays. He showed me... "
#59 The secret

It's hard to say if William is close or not with his family. He said that he sees frequently one of his uncles who is a mason and works on site where he takes his nephew to show him the ropes of the profession. We know about his parents tardily, when they appeared in our Heroes Universe, after the vanishing of their child.

At this moment, we can deduce that William often called his parents, because Mr. Dunbar discovered quickly that his child didn't given anymore news. He informed the director (Episode 67: "Bad replica"). When the replica substituted the original, the Dunbar parents took a little longer to realize the substitution.
They finally came to Kadic, and discovered the reality, but late, because the true William came at the good moment in order to pick up his place. It was the good moment, because the suspicion about the replica had become more and more important. (Episod 93 "Return").

During the short time which William had been with his parents at the screen of our television, it seems that they are close to each other. Mr Dunbar described with lucidity that his child is a wild adolescent, at the opposite of the mollusk replica. We learn too that he hide compromising elements during the registration of William at Kadic. For more information, see the sheet of Mme and Mr. Dunbar.

Powers, capacities

"And then, nothing could stop them, they will destroy the sphere."
#65 Last round

When he was not xanatified, William didn't show some extraordinary capacities. All the capacities that we see are revealed after his xanatification.

His power is maybe the levitation, even if we can't really judge it, because we see it just one time on Lyoko (Episode 65 "Final Round"). Maybe XANA gave him temporarily this power. However, in the next episodes, William will only use Supersmoke if he wants to move in the air.

When he floats, he is surrounded by a violet aura, more intense than the aura which surrounds Yumi when she uses Telekinesis.

Vehicle, weapon and equipment

"Waaaah, it's just THE class!"
#65 Last round

Weapon: He has a huge sword that, as the Ulrich's saber in "Franz Hopper", can kill from a far thanks to shockwaves (power given by XANA?). The sword can also send back the fire of the monsters, but it's heavy to carry.

Role in the serie
"I knew that it was a mistake to include you in our team..."
#65 Last round

William is the character which the role has changed a lot. There is a huge evolution about him, more than Aelita maybe. Unfortunately, the aspects of this interesting caracter (he is with Yumi the one with a complex mentality) are changed depending on the needs scenaristic, so they become contradictory.

William has appeared in "New Order", the first episode of the secund season. At first, he appeared just as a new factor in the relation between Ulrich and Yumi because he really seems to have an interest for Yumi, unfortunately for Ulrich. We can say that he became a masculinized Sissi.
It's the first art of William: the troublemaker, although it's invonluntary or at the opposite of the real effort of a challenge. He just maked his parade in order to seduce Yumi ! But Ulrich is so jealous...
The anger between the two strong boys rose quickly, which led to a rivality more violent than the little rivality between Sissi and the daughter of Mr. Delmas.

As said previoulsy, depending of the needs scenaristic, William is sometimes an diruptive element (Episode 40 "Attack of the Zombies"). Besides, and in particulary in the third season he will become more oppressive for the heroes, knowing perfectly that Yumi has a secret. A secret that he will try to discover, as Sissi... But William will dicover it, unlike Sissi !

Some time before that, William had become un clumsy, stocking Yumi, always arriving at the wrong moment; he adds more spice in the relation between Ulrich and Yumi ! It seems that he is not really stranger to the decision of Yumi in the episode 53 "Straight to Heart".

However, he heleped Yumi to fight a xanatified man, and saved the factory of an explosion. So William has two functions: add some tension between Ulrich and Yumi, or save the world. He also helped Yumi to espace from the college, allowing her to go to the factory, in order to fight XANA. Thanks to his help, William had taken the function of temporary ally.
At the end of Episode 64 "Double Trouble", William is officially aware of Lyoko, and makes his entrance in the group of the heroes... before the apocalypse, and his xanatification: he fell under the influence of XANA, leading at the final event of the third season: Lyoko's destruction !
The images of the episode 65 "Final round" show a xanatified William, more than anybody before him, surprizing us !

It's a complete turnaround, William is, again, changed according to the scenario. In just one episode, he was a new lyoko-warrior and the ennemy number one, the XANA-warrior that the writhers had need in order to spice the thirties episodes of the season four.

The presence of William is a little tarnished in the last episodes when he is bring back. The heroes refused to let him back in the groupe, he incarnated a last time the threat XANA, and was the last xanatified during the final fight.

In my point of view, the evolution of William is fascinating and interesting. Seeing the rival of Ulrich become the lieutenant of XANA and one of the principal caracters of the serie is really amazing and specific at a serie like Code Lyoko !

Character and behavior

"Dont worry, even if it's a secret, I will discover it ! You can count on me !
#59 The secret

William, as Ulrich and Yumi, has a strong personality.
Fighter, he doesn't hesitate to fight against Ulrich, when Ulrich attackes him, like in Episode 39 "A Bad Turn". He says that love can drive him crazy, and it's true, because he doesn't hesitate to go out although it's not allowed, in order to visit Yumi (Episode 39).
He is an hopeless optimist, even when Yumi seems sick of him, he keeps to follow her, but he is also extremely curios, unfortunately for the heroes.

Sometimes, he acts like a child (the best example is : episode 65 "Final Round"). In this case, we can feel his immature side, but this side of William is also really present in his provocating and challenging behaviour !

But the strong point, which will catch the attention of the band, is that he is really brave. In "Lyoko minus one" and "The Secret", he fights againt his all xanatified class and a building worker also under the influence of XANA. He desactivates a bomb although it stayed only seven seconds. Admit it, he has to have a lot of "courage" for that, and be a good warrior. William has a strong mental strengh. In the serie, he is the only caracter that fought the influence of XANA, although he was under his control (Episod 76: The Lake).

So, courage is a word who describes William, but not only: he is also persevering. Finally, it is what maked him touching because when he came back, even the brutal reject of the heroes, he wants to help them. He knows that they need help. That's why, although we can blame William for something, we do not deny his good background.


"So love can make you crazy?"
"Oh yeah, completely crazy!"
#27 New Order

William sais that he believes the big love exists. He tells that he stuck tracts everywhere in order to sing his love for a girl !

When he arrives at Kadic (Episode 27 "New Order"), William has become close to Yumi, they are in the same class. He is interested by her. But he saw quickly that it is the same for Ulrich. At the beginning, it was like a battle between the two boys. Ulrich is sure that William is doing everything in order to seduce Yumi, although William is just trying to get acquainted with Yumi. Unlike Sissi, William is not at this time in rivality against Ulrich. Ulrich gets excited for nothing.

William even tries to give some advices to Ulrich... but Ulrich has a lot of pride, so he doesn't listen (Episode 36 "Marabounta"). So William decides to take his chance. If Ulrich doesn't want to listen William, too bad for him !

So, he began to come closer to Yumi. And when he had realized that Ulrich is really a threat for him in order to win the heart of Yumi, he began to answer at the offensive behaviour of Ulrich.

True to himself, William expressed directly his feelings to Yumi, he even tries to kiss her, but the girl rejected him in the episode 39 "A bad turn". He perfectly knew that he has failed because of Ulrich, he decided to react: The war has begun, without mercy! Quickly, the two young fought with their hands.

Then, the conflict became less violent, but it was a true Cold War which hit Kadic. Provocations, challenges, insults: all is allowed ! The loser always suffers a crushing humiliation (Episod 44 " Vertigo")

William has stayed the same, never hiding his feelings for Yumi (Episod 32 "Saint Valentine's day"). In the episode 52 "The Key", William had, one more time, sow discord between Ulrich and Yumi before the holidays.

Then, William had stuck Yumi, unfortunately for her ! She said it clearly to him in "The secret". She told him that the way he is trying to seduce her is bad and useless, upsetting the young man. She appreciates William less than at the beginning, and it is her who refused to accept him in their band after a vote. We can add that William thinks that it is Ulrich who had refused.

However, she finally accepts (Episode 64 "Double Trouble "), and thanks to her, William had joined the team.

The xanatification of William had given more air at the love triangle of Ulrich, Yumi and him. In fact, they don't have time to think about it, because the priority is to save William. But, we can see that William is really in love, because in the episod 76 "The Lake", Yumi tried to call the real William, before he devirtualized her. The true William came back for a few seconds, and attempted to prevent XANA to attack at the girl. In vain, unfortunately.

After the return of William, Yumi tells him the truth: it's not him that she loves, and he has to stop his hopes.


"Err. Jeremy, there is a weird monster which has come... it seems to be a medusa"

Fired from his former college because he stuck tracts everywhere (declaration of love, from his point of view), William joined Kadic at the middle of the school year. Quickly, he became close to Yumi, and began to come closer to her, unfortunately for Ulrich, whi tried few times to seduce Yumi, but finally ridiculed himself under the eyes of William and Yumi.

He was confronted a few times against Ulrich, but it's the only caracter of the band with who he has problems. With the others, he gets along well and even very well with Yumi. Yumi seems to appreciate him, and Odd likes his rebel side, but deplore his lack of humor.

After the episode 59 "The secret", he has become a trouble for our heroes. He well understood that Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, Jeremy and Aelita have a secret, and, like Sissi, he had tried to discover their secret... and he has succeded !
In this episode, he helped Yumi to a building worker xanatified, and this performance catch the attention of the group. He even saved everyobdy defusing a bomb placed the building worker. The heroes organized a vote in order to know if William deserved to join the group and become a wepaon partner against XANA. There were four yes, and one no... pronounced by Yumi, surprising her friends !

It seems that William will not be integrate, but when he helped Yumi to escape from the college, in the Episode 64 "Double Trouble", the girl finally agrees, and thanks to her agreement, William had integrated officially the team in the episode 65 "Final Round".

Eager to fight XANA, William waited that an attack was launched, however the others tried to explain to him that it's not a game, but it's dangerous. Finally, he won't have to wait for a long time, because some hours after, XANA attacked the Heart of LYoko.
Anxious, Aelita called her friends, but they were all busy for different reasons, so Aelita et William had to go on Lyoko, alone.
Quickly, William had the feeling that he was in a game, and had not listened Aelita, who tried to explain to him what he has to do when you are a Lyoko warrior, even letting him activate the key...
But, so happy by this new experience, WIlliam showed his skills about the fight, but he just acted like a child !
Fatal mistake !

When the key was activated, William and Aelita were separated by the new configuration by the hall, and the new Lyoko-Warrior was confronted at the Medusa, which xanatified him. Aelita came too late, and was devirtualized by her ally who became her ennemy. The young boy went, after, to the hall of the Heart of Lyoko, where creapers were already there. The army of XANA had now a new chief: William !

One by one, the protective barriers of the Heart were destroyed. Yumi, Odd and Ulrich tried to stop that, to stop the destruction of the Heart, but without mercy, William devirtualized them, William who seemed invicible, with his huge sword and the powers gave by XANA.

The Heart was without defense, William levitated, and then, pushed his sword at the center of the Heart, with a sadistic xanatically face. It was over. Lyoko was lost... As William.
But is it really the end?

The XANA-Warrior seemed to awake, floating in the blank digital and in his eyes, the symbol of XANA appeared, and on his torso too. No, it's not over. It's just the beginning of a new war.

Then, the personality of William is utterly changed by the presence of XANA inside him. We can just see in the episode 76 that he tried to came back, but in vain.

Fortunately, William is well surrounded, and the Lyokowarriors save him from the influence of XANA, and he finally came back on Earth, after several months of missing. He learned, horrified (or he remembers) that he gave difficulties to the heroes when he was xanatified, and he had to confront their hostility. He insistes however, in order to show that he regrets, but unfortunately for him, he will be xanatified, on the Earth this time, for the last mission that will marked the end of XANA. The end of the aventure for William is unhappy, he suffers of an ellipse of several weeks in his live, his friends reject him, and Yumi in particulary. However, Yumi and Aelita are quite indulgent with him, and we can say that, in few times, William could find again his place in the group of the ex-Lyoko-warrior... but if he could accept to get along with the possible couple Ulrich-Yumi.

Intervention Episodes

"You know, this night, I again dreamed about you ! (...) There was the huge computer in the room, you see, like in a factory. And then, after, we were on bridge, and we were fighting againt a bulding worker, who jumped incredibly high in the air... "
#64 Double Trouble

William is a caracter who appeared at the beggining of the secund season, we don't see him in the first season ! In the fourth season, after the episod 66 until the episod 93, he was under the control of XANA !

#27 New Order
#32 Saint Valentine's Day
#33 Final Mix
#34 Missing Link
#35 The Chips Are Down
#36 Marabounta
#39 A Bad Turn
#40 Attack of the Zombies
#41 Ultimatum
#42 A Fine Mess
#43 XANA's Kiss
#44 Vertigo

#52 The Key
#53 Straight to Heart
#54 Lyoko Minus One
#55 Tidal Wave
#59 The Secret
#61 Sabotage
#64 Double Trouble
#65 Final Round
#93 Down to Earth
#94 Fight To The Finish
#95 Memories



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