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[Terminée] Histoire - Saison 1

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Frenchiespowa MessagePosté le: Ven 23 Aoû 2013 02:38   Sujet du message: [Terminée] Histoire - Saison 1 Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 10 Oct 2008
Messages: 70
Localisation: Rhône, Lyon.
Until the end of Seventh Grade, and during the first half of Eighth Grade -- Ninth Grade for Yumi --, the young heroes relentlessly fight against XANA, hindering each of its assaults. Letting this threat hang over the planet indefinitely being inconceivable, Jeremie has thrown himself for some time into quite a huge initiative: find a program that materializes particles, and thus materialize his friend Aelita. Once the humanoid is released from the virtual world, the teenagers plan to shut the Supercomputer, and at the same time incapacitate XANA forevermore.

While XANA's assaults are taking every possible patterns, the little genius spends all his spare time on working on the program. He inevitably comes closer to his aim and proves his project is feasible. For instance, XANA succeeds at materializing diverse things, such as a clone of Yumi -- in Episode 7 'Image Problem'. As Jeremie and Aelita spend hours day and night on gathering their efforts, their mutual affection tightens.

In terms of feelings, Yumi and Ulrich have their ups and downs, the main reason to this being Sissi, the daughter of the headmaster of Kadic Middle School and a real nuisance, who has set her heart on Ulrich. He kisses her [Sissi] so that she does him a favor in order to save Jeremie. However, he will never unveil his true feelings to Yumi, and none of them will actually take the first step. In Episode 22 'Routine', the two teenagers seriously fall out with each other but their reconciliation on Lyoko, when Ulrich saves Yumi's life in extremis, leads to a scene where their lips come closer together, but won't come into contact because of a Return to the Past... Nevertheless, the lovers keep on living their relationship as if they were nothing more than friends, clumsily hiding their feelings from the others.

Desperate to meet Aelita, Jeremie tries to enter the virtual universe, but something goes wrong and he remains blocked between both worlds -- in Episode 19 'Frontier'. He will be saved by his friends, but will manage to touch his love with his finger, before he gets materialized.

As the weeks go by, the Returns to the Past fix the damages caused in the real world...

The main characters only are motivated by the hope of seeing their virtual friend pop in one of the scanners one day. Time is running out as XANA seems to get smarter. After a particularly perfect assault of XANA, which traps the warriors into a virtual bubble -- in Episode 24 'Ghost Channel' --, Jeremie eventually reaches his goal, and Aelita can be materialized with a special code, using a Tower. Despite XANA's effort to hinder the operation, Aelita appears in fetal position in a scanner. Jeremie whispers to her 'Welcome to Earth' -- in Episode 25 'Code Earth'.

After a wonderful day on Earth, the lovers, accompanied by their friends, are about to shut the Supercomputer. But as they lower the lever, Aelita faints -- in Episode 26 'False Start'. According to Jeremie's research, her unconsciousness was due to the fact XANA's implanted a virus into its enemy to bind them. Following another attack, the truth is crual: the fight must carry on and Aelita will have to keep on protecting the virtual world, even if she still has the ability to come to Earth for a few hours from time to time. The group sadly faces the news, Jeremie has tears in his eyes... They will have to throw themselves into a new quest: find an antivirus for Aelita.
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a_queenoffairys MessagePosté le: Mer 23 Oct 2013 02:57   Sujet du message: Re: Traduction de Code Lyoko - Histoire - Saison 1 Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2009
Messages: 58
Localisation: Australie
Frenchiespowa a écrit:
Until the end of seventh grade, and during the first half of eighth grade (ninth grade for Yumi), the young heroes relentlessly fight against XANA, hindering each of its assaults. Letting this threat hang over the planet indefinitely being inconceivable, Jeremy has thrown himself for some time into quite a huge initiative: find a program that materializes particles, and thus materialize his friend Aelita. Once the humanoid is released from the virtual world, the teenagers plan to shut the Supercomputer down, and at the same time incapacitate XANA forever more...

While XANA's assaults are taking every direction imaginable, the little genius spends all his spare time on working on the program. He inevitably comes closer to his goal and proves his project is feasible. For instance, XANA succeeds at materializing diverse things, such as a clone of Yumi (episode 7 “Image Problem”). As Jeremy and Aelita spend hours day and night on gathering their efforts, their mutual affection grows stronger.

In terms of feelings, Yumi and Ulrich have their ups and downs, the main reason to this being Sissi, the daughter of the principal of Kadic Academy and a real nuisance, who has her heart set on Ulrich. He kisses her so that she does him a favor in order to save Jeremy. However, he will never unveil his true feelings to Yumi, and neither of them will actually take the first step. In episode 22 “Routine”, the two teenagers seriously fall out with each other but their reconciliation on Lyoko, when Ulrich saves Yumi's life just in time, it leads to a scene where their lips come closer together, but won't come into contact because of a Return to the Past... Nevertheless, the lovers keep on living their relationship as if they were nothing more than friends, clumsily hiding their feelings from the others.

Desperate to meet Aelita, Jeremy tries to enter the virtual universe, but something goes wrong and he remains blocked between both worlds (episode 19 “Frontier”). He will be saved by his friends, but will manage to touch his love with his finger, before he gets materialized.

As the weeks go by, the Returns to the Past fix the damages caused in the real world...

The main characters only are motivated by the hope of seeing their virtual friend appear in one of the scanners one day. Time is running out as XANA seems to get smarter. After a particularly perfect assault of XANA, which traps the warriors into a virtual bubble (episode 24 “Ghost Channel”), Jeremy eventually reaches his goal, and Aelita can be materialized with a special code, using a Tower. Despite XANA's effort to hinder the operation, Aelita appears in fetal position in a scanner. Jeremy whispers to her “Welcome to Earth” (episode 25 “Code Earth”).

After a wonderful day on Earth, the lovers, accompanied by their friends, are about to shut the Supercomputer down. But as they lower the lever, Aelita faints (episode 26 “False Start”). According to Jeremy's research, her unconsciousness was due to the fact XANA's implanted a virus into its enemy to bind them together. Following another attack, the truth is cruel: the fight must carry on and Aelita will have to keep on protecting the virtual world, even if she still has the ability to come to Earth for a few hours from time to time. The group sadly faces the news, Jeremy has tears in his eyes... They will have to throw themselves into a new quest: find an antivirus for Aelita.

Shaka nous a demandé de ne pas utiliser le jaune et l'orange pour corriger les fautes, parce que ça fait trop de temps. Mais je peux expliquer quelques fautes.
Frenchiespowa a écrit:
are about to shut the Supercomputer.

Quand il s'agit des ordis, le terme est "shut down" pas "shut". Donc la phrase devient:
are about to shut the Supercomputer down ou are about to shut down the Supercomputer.
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Shaka MessagePosté le: Mer 23 Oct 2013 13:45   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 12 Avr 2006
Messages: 3893
Localisation: Sur une colline, près des étoiles
Corrigée par QUeen, ajoutée au site !

Merci énormément à tous les deux.

Les fleurs naissent, puis se fânent. Les étoiles brillent puis s'éteignent. Ainsi, la galaxie et notre Univers tout entier seront, un jour, amenés à disparaître...
A côté, la vie d'un homme ne représente qu'un éphémère battement de cils... Durant ce temps, l'homme naît et grandit, il s'amuse et se bat, il aime et déteste, il est heureux, puis triste... Tout ça, en un très court instant...
Avant de tomber dans un éternel sommeil qu'est la Mort...
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Frenchiespowa MessagePosté le: Mar 26 Nov 2013 02:30   Sujet du message: Re: Traduction de Code Lyoko - Histoire - Saison 1 Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 10 Oct 2008
Messages: 70
Localisation: Rhône, Lyon.
Shaka nous a demandé de ne pas utiliser le jaune et l'orange pour corriger les fautes, parce que ça fait trop de temps. Mais je peux expliquer quelques fautes.
Frenchiespowa a écrit:
are about to shut the Supercomputer.

Quand il s'agit des ordis, le terme est "shut down" pas "shut". Donc la phrase devient:
are about to shut the Supercomputer down ou are about to shut down the Supercomputer.

Merci pour la correction. This one was a typo, and a real shame for me as I do study computers every day, and am fully aware of this. Razz

I only noticed one minor change apart from this one (possible -- was asleep when I chose this adjective haha -- pattern -> direction imaginable). I assume my English is not that influenced by my mother tongue, then. Smile


Edit: You wrongly corrected sth: in the following sentence,

In episode 22 “Routine”, the two teenagers seriously fall out with each other but their reconciliation on Lyoko, when Ulrich saves Yumi's life just in time, it leads to a scene where their lips come closer together, but won't come into contact because of a Return to the Past...

You added "it", while it's not necessary. The solution is either to split the sentence into two smaller ones, or just let my sentence as it originally was, as it is closer to the French version.

Tu as rajouté "it", alors que ce n'est pas nécessaire. La solution est soit de séparer la phrase en deux plus courtes, ou laisser ma phrase tel quelle, car elle est plus proche de la version française.
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a_queenoffairys MessagePosté le: Mer 27 Nov 2013 23:21   Sujet du message: Re: Traduction de Code Lyoko - Histoire - Saison 1 Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2009
Messages: 58
Localisation: Australie
Whoops, well spotted ^^; It's now been corrected, thank you!
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