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[Terminée] Présentation du jeu social

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Ellana MessagePosté le: Mer 18 Juin 2014 21:15   Sujet du message: [Terminée] Présentation du jeu social Répondre en citant  
X.A.N.Alloween 2013 (T)

Inscrit le: 06 Oct 2013
Messages: 251
Localisation: Al-Jeit.
(Je précise que j'ai fait relire cette traduction à un ami à la double nationalité américaine, si ça peut faire gagner du temps...)

Social game's presentation

You would like to make your first steps in the social game of 3DDuo but you don't know how? You know nothing about the Social Game and you wonder how the devil can it work? This page is made for you!
You can discover here a brief but relevant presentation of the Social Game Code Lyoko, an irreplaceable component of the Community Lyokofan. If you would rather wish to inquire about the context of the appearance of the Social Game and its development by 3DDuo at request of Moonscoop, consult the following pages:

The 3D Duo company ------------------ History of the social game
[ Official Presentation] [Begin to play the Social Game Code Lyoko] [Objectives of the game] [Fight system] [A social game : The Friends and The Lyoko league] [To go farther] [Contents of the column]

Official presentation :

Moonscoop and 3DDUO are happy to announce that the social game Code Lyoko will be available as of the beginning of the second quarter 2012. Let us thank Jérémy who managed to connect Lyoko to Facebook!

New creatures wait for you there... Will you know how to eradicate them? And are they the sign of the return of Xana? To discover it, embody one of the 5 categories of characters of the game and destroy tarantulas and other monsters who have returned to Lyoko!
Every category resumes the particularities of one of the heroes of the series. So, whatever your style, you can embody it. Even William was not forgotten: the "warrior" characters are dedicated to him and use all his special attacks!

Use super-sprints and other arrow lasers in this contemplative fighting game completely immerged in the universe and the atmosphere of the first 4 seasons of the television series. And how Yumi and Odd do so, fight the enemies with your friends, their help will be decisive! And in case of big problem, the heroes of the series might even come to your rescue.

Begin to play the Social Game Code Lyoko

Where to play?

On Facebook
Use the following link and accept the application on your profile. The game begins!

On the dedicated site
The game possesses its own dedicated site. Click on «to Begin to play”, and off you go! We shall ask you to create your profile.

What are the differences between the site and Facebook?
None concerning the game. Everything will take place exactly in the same way. The game was initially created and launched on Facebook. The dedicated site arrived later. To connect via Facebook on the site allows the players who already had characters created on the Social Network to import them on the game.

On the other hand, be careful: if you begin a game on the game dedicated without binding your account to your Facebook, it will not be possible to export your protected characters there later on. And outside of Facebook, the game is much less frequented... Choose wisely!

To begin the game

First, create your profile.
No need for a tutorial to do this. Otherwise, pay yourselves IT courses.

You then have to choose your character. You can choose according to your affinities Odd (Feline), Ulrich (Samurai), William (Warrior), Aelita (Guard) or Yumi (Ninja). If ever you would rather choose a character according to its statistics, this page can help you in your selection.

You will have no choice at the beginning of what you wear. You will begin with those of the fourth season and a small choice concerning the skin color and the hair style of your character. You can buy more choices afterward whether it is concerns hair styles or dresses (Those of the season 1 - 3 and that of Code Lyoko Evolution).

Your character is ready? You may begin to play. No panic: Jérémie will indicate to you what to do!

Objectives of the game

To progress in the game, it is necessary to win fights. To win fights, it is necessary to begin them. To begin the fights you need to have energy.

The energy regenerates in time. Currently, every player wins a point of energy every 5 minutes (the clock is inside the game, your energy reserves will swell even if you are not connected to the game). This energy allows you to fight. 5 points of energy are needed to start a fight. The game is contemplative, which means that the fight will resolve itself under your eyes without you having to give any commands or to use any special techniques.

Since the update of February, 2013, Touched pass in a random way during the fights (pay close attention to them). You will have to kill them by clicking on them for some will give you experience, energy, and even Lyoko-Points.

The link to Code Lyoko?
Your opponents will of course be the Monsters of XANA which you face with your Lyoko-warriors. The fights take place in the Territories which you will cross one by one (you start in the Forest, then the Desert, the Ice sector and the Mountain). The Monsters of XANA will appear in order of power: Kankrelats, Bloks, Hornets, Krabes, Tarantulas, Megatanks, Mantas, clones of the characters ("malefic" versions of the characters of the CLSG), ninjas of Tyron and finally the Scyphozoa.

At the end of the fight, either you have won and you progress with a gain of Experience (XP), or you lost and you will have to restart the fight later. The fights you have already won can be redone aver and aver again (within the limits of your available energy), which allows to gain XP and thus to never remain stuck. If for example you are stuck on the fight number 20, nothing prevents you from redoing the fights 15 through 19 several times so as to come back with a more powerful character. Let us note however that finishing a fight which you have already won will earn you less XP than the first time.

After all, your speed of progress will depend on how you manage your experience : either you are the type of person to do the same fights over and over so as to boost your character before passing towards the fights of the upper level or you are the kind of person who tries to progress quickly by redoing the fights the least amount of times possible.

Every time you gain a level, you have the choice between two powers. In all, 20 powers which are common to all the characters exist, with 5 extra which are specific to every hero. Almost all the powers have four power levels. It is thus very long to acquire the powers.
For more information on the powers, consult this page.

Main and secondary quests allow you to obtain Lyoko-points.
Lyoko-points are the currency of the game. And by sacrosanct laws of the money-earning, you can convert your real money into Lyoko-Points. These Lyoko-points allow you to buy different gaiming elements.
Among these elements are the famous alternative dresses, objects which will boost your character, the success of certain missions, the other classes of characters whom you will not have acquired at the beginning, etc....
They also have other utilities which you will discover when you will know the game a bit better. You know the principle: there is nothing that you cannot buy.

And at the end? Once you have arrived at the end of this very long succession of battles with your character? We offer you a new character (without charging any Lyoko-points).

You have the choice either to continue with your initial character to make it pass levels and bolster him as much as you can, or you can take this new character with which you start over the game: on the road again.

Combat system

The combat system is particular.

It works according to a system of probability. To summarize, the whole game is based on fate and probability. The probability of a shot to touch the opponent, the probability of the opponent to send back the attack, the probability of using of a special capacity to counter, the probability of a character to attack the first etc. etc....

The whole fight is thus only an extremely complex game of chance based on the probability you have to touch the enemy and the probability that to the opponent counters your attack or to take the hitt, in a normal, minimized or amplified way.
You also have the possibility of analyzing the fight to know your percentage of success (it will cost you some of your energy, unless you possess analyzers).

But naturally, the higher your level, the higher chance you will have that the probability will work in your favor. Objects and powers may also allow you to increase your chances of success...

A social game: Friends and Lyoko league

Last point, why is this a social game?
Every player can choose up to 100 "friends" in this Facebook game. It is nevertheless necessary to choose among the people with whom you really are friends on Facebook (after, concerning real life, that is a completely different matter…).

Why are Friends useful in the game?
You can fight your friends once per day. It is free and earns you back some energy. You also win some experience (in small quantities).

Furthermore, the friends can realize fights with you. That is you can use one or several friend(s) in a fight so that it can help you make it a success of it. Nevertheless, the more friends you use, the higher the cost in energy to launch the fight. At the end of the fight, you can choose to congratulate your friend (and he will earn benefist from the fight), either you cheat them and claim all the honor...

Finally, what is the Lyoko league?
The Lyoko league allows you to fight once a day with 3 people at random (among the players of your level).
XP for the winner and the shame for the loser.

There is a classification of the League Lyoko in which the players compete.

To go farther...

Here we are!
This will be all for this small presentation. The quick link below will allow you to dig deeper into the game by navigating through the various pages of the section.

If you are a beginner and that you are just looking for help from the other players to start the game, go to see the Community page.

Furthermore, if you wish to discover more about how the game works and about its combat system, if you need help, or advice or tips, we send you back to towards our partner: Shana.
Expert player of the Social Game Codes Lyoko of 3DDuo, he possesses his own blog where he proposes his help to the other players and on which he posts regularly "tricks" concerning the game. They concern analysis and calculations based on the internal functioning of the game and the fight’s probability system.

Click here to go to the blog of the Social Game
Created and maintained by Shana.
Partner of CodeLyoko. Fr


Click here to download all GIFs from the game.
They are the small moving pictures of the characters and the monsters.

Ma belle, douce lune sous un chant blanc d'étoiles, / Astre fatigué, vagabonde hors-la-loi / Toute pâle dans l'oeil noir de loups qui aboient, / Hisse les rêves, aux nuits où tu es seule voile. ♥
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