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Pigeonleon60 MessagePosté le: Mar 25 Fév 2014 18:04   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2012
Messages: 187
Localisation: Antarctique
I don't talk about drivers.
When XP became Vista and Vista became 7, they kept the retro-compat working.

There no.

Je suis plus un pingouin. Je suis un pigeon.
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MTDirector MessagePosté le: Mar 25 Fév 2014 18:08   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  
[Je suis Neuneu²]

Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2013
Messages: 95
Localisation: C:\Users\Administrateur
I stop talking about Windows 8 with you, you don't want tou understand the reality. I used Windows 8 from september 2001 (with the Developer Preview), I know this system very well. We can continue this debate but not on this forum.
"J'ai une hernie fiscale, ça fait mal au impôts !"
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Pigeonleon60 MessagePosté le: Mar 25 Fév 2014 18:09   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2012
Messages: 187
Localisation: Antarctique
I understood the reallity.

And then I missed my Mac.

Je suis plus un pingouin. Je suis un pigeon.
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MTDirector MessagePosté le: Mar 25 Fév 2014 18:13   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  
[Je suis Neuneu²]

Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2013
Messages: 95
Localisation: C:\Users\Administrateur
I can prove you that compatility is true on Windows 8. You just have to learn how Windows 8 work or try the compatibility mode (the same than Windows 7 !).
"J'ai une hernie fiscale, ça fait mal au impôts !"
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Pigeonleon60 MessagePosté le: Mar 25 Fév 2014 18:17   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2012
Messages: 187
Localisation: Antarctique
There's a difference between how they would like it works and how it works.
Actually, it is a BIG difference.

I'll no longer speak about it, it's endless.

(EDIT : Oh, Modern UI just crashed...)

Je suis plus un pingouin. Je suis un pigeon.
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Belgarel MessagePosté le: Mar 25 Fév 2014 20:20   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 20 Aoû 2010
Messages: 534
MTDirector a écrit:
We can continue this debate but not on this forum.
Don't forget Private Messages as well Wink

Personnally, I use GNU/Linux, and the "GNU" part indicates clearly my reasons : I'm a follower of RMS (Richard Stallman) and his FSF (Free Software Foundation). However, I'm not worthy of entering the Church of Emacs, since I still use the Linux kernel and its firmwares (I'm currently under Ubuntu).
I tried running gNewSense and other 100% free distros once, but they all seemed outdated : for example, the firefox pack was version 3.0 or something, I'm not lying : it was ridiculous !

About games, Windows 7 also had compatibility problems. I have a CD of Dungeon Keeper (the first one, which nobody seems to care about) ; it worked perfectly under XP, and by the time we got to W7, bye bye !

But I've pretty much stopped reading about computing for quite some time now.


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Coquilame MessagePosté le: Mer 26 Fév 2014 02:14   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2013
Messages: 68
Localisation: Etats-Unis
First group audio chat will take place on this Sunday, March 2nd, at 21:30 France time!!

Current list of participants (feel free to ask to join still, or give a head's up if you won't be able to make it):
Café Noir
Raymentase (if available)
Coquilame (me)

That's 6 French native speakers and 3 English native speakers Smile
We're gonna speak in both French and English, so that we can all practice.
Also, Alexis has an Australian accent, while I and Xiao have an American accent. Australians speak more like British people than Americans, I think. So hopefully that will give everyone participating a range of English accents to learn from.


Dernière édition par Coquilame le Lun 03 Mar 2014 05:17; édité 2 fois
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Raymentase MessagePosté le: Mer 26 Fév 2014 14:29   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  
M.A.N.T.A (Raymentase)

Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2013
Messages: 309
Localisation: Rennes
Well, I'd like to participate but I'm not sure if I will be there this sunday, I'll only know this week-end, maybe friday so I can't give you a real answer yet but I'd like to !
Merci pour ce beau pack Abby !
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Coquilame MessagePosté le: Dim 02 Mar 2014 01:50   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2013
Messages: 68
Localisation: Etats-Unis
Just a reminder that the audio chat is tonight! Hopefully it will go well Smile
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Tyker MessagePosté le: Dim 02 Mar 2014 12:31   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  
Tyker Modérateur

Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2013
Messages: 248
Localisation: Arkham Asylum
Even if tonight is a great night o/. I Will try to be there. And if I come, I don´t know How Long I Will stay. But this could be nice to speak with all of you Wink. See you tonight (I hope)

Ps: I live in the UK for three months now but I m not as good as I wish to be I will do my best Wink.


"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes... CHAOS"

-The Joker-

Dernière édition par Tyker le Jeu 03 Nov 2016 16:03; édité 1 fois
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Coquilame MessagePosté le: Lun 03 Mar 2014 05:17   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2013
Messages: 68
Localisation: Etats-Unis
So I think the first audio chat went well for the most part. To anyone who left early, I wasn't talking because there was a problem with my mic volume, which I ended up fixing for the later 3/4s of the conversation.

Personally, I felt it was better with less people. There were less people talking over each other. In the future, do you all think that the audio chats should be limited to a certain number of people?

Does anyone have any other feedback?

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enstein MessagePosté le: Ven 29 Aoû 2014 17:51   Sujet du message: My new game… Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 26 Avr 2013
Messages: 35
Localisation: dans l'Entre-Deux-Numérique
Hello everybody!
I have opened a new game named ”The Never Ending Story“… but in English! It's like the Icer's game ”L'histoire sans fin“ but in English.
Come on the game's page to speak English in a game!
It's going to be fun! Smile
So don't wait…

See you soon!

Second edition: I'm sorry but my game is locked. Finally, you must wait…


Voir les autres posts d'Enstein ->
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Adriano XIII MessagePosté le: Sam 30 Aoû 2014 10:05   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 17 Oct 2011
Messages: 92
Why your game got closes so early after you released it ? Confused

Is there a technical problem or anything like it ? Do you think you could reopen it soon ? Don't hesitate to tell us some informations about it cuz' it actually interesting me to play an english game with the community !! Smile

See you soon !

Adriano XIII.

EDIT: Ow sorry I just saw your post, so you just have to ask a moderator to re-open it no ?


Merci à Me98 pour ce sombre pack rayonnant de talent !
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Elyel MessagePosté le: Jeu 03 Nov 2016 15:51   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 01 Déc 2015
Messages: 22
Localisation: Cotonou, Benin
I've noticed this subject is getting more and more empty. Not only this subject but all the site.
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Theoph69 MessagePosté le: Jeu 03 Nov 2016 17:10   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 20 Avr 2016
Messages: 145

I've noticed this subject is getting more and more empty. Not only this subject but all the site.

Well, i don't think so.
There's at least one message every day, and around 10 fanfiction that are still active !
But yes, compared to some forum, this one isn't that active :/ . But the show Code Lyoko is finished since 2007-2008 (i don't really know lol), so that's normal if their is not a lot of message on this topic :/ ( I don't give a CENSORED about Code Lyoko Evolution ). FurtherMore it's a French Forum, and there is only a small english-comunity ^^.

Sorry for my horrible english,


Repose en paix Nastia, la Lyokofan la plus gentille partie trop tôt. Je ne t'oublierai pas.
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