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  Sujet: Qu'est-ce que vous aimez dans Code Lyoko ?  

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MessageForum: L'animé Code Lyoko   Posté le: Lun 06 Juin 2022 16:28   Sujet: Qu'est-ce que vous aimez dans Code Lyoko ?
Voilà près de huit ans que je n'ai pas posté sur ce forum. J'avais pourtant vécu de si bons moments ici. Merci Netflix, je suis entrain de me refaire l'entièreté du dessin animé (voire même quelques épisodes de CLE - no shame, or just a bit). Du coup, je suis repassée sur des fanfictions, sur ma messagerie, mes sujets surveillés pour finalement me retrouver ici.

Code Lyoko, c'est pour moi les souvenirs d'une enfance heureuse à m'imaginer vivre cette vie d'héroïne d'un univers de science fiction si incroyable et bien pensé. Parce que bien que mes années collège fut fort sympatique, c'était quand même bien plus boring que de devoir sauver le monde entre un cours de Maths et un d'Histoire Géo.

Des heures à télécharger les épisodes sur Emule et devoir cacher à mon père les deux emails d'HADOPI que nous avions reçu par ma faute(lol), des matinées petit déjeuner tartines nutella, chocolat au lait devant un épisode avec mon frère, des soirées seules à ressasser les quatre scènes d'Ulumi de la série (romantique, on ne se refait pas) ; sans même m'apercevoir à quel point cette relation était toxique mais que, ça me disait bien moi, de vivre un truc comme ça. Et puis il était fort Ulrich. Et Yumi, elle était belle, loyale et si courageuse (la violence n'est pas permise, merci. Je me suis reprise depuis....quoique).

En dehors de ça, parce que je suis malgré tout très loin d'être superficielle, le scénario de Code Lyoko est pour moi l'un des scénarios les mieux ficelés et des plus aboutis des dessins animés de cette génération. Je me rends compte à quel point j'adore la science fiction et c'est grâce à ce DA que j'ai découvert ce genre. Une intrigue aussi mature qui vise pourtant un public très jeune, des scènes virtuelles incroyablement bien réussies, des personnages que je trouve super intéressants tant ils sont complexes pour certains (mais pas toujours bien utilisés ou pas assez approfondis; je pense à Ulrich, à William, à Sissi --individuellement j'entends, avant qu'on me dise que je parle encore de romance).

Je n'ai aucun souvenirs aussi forts de mon enfance (hormis ma période Disney Channel) que lorsque je regardais Code Lyoko et ces souvenirs me font revenir ici, même si mon âge devrait me faire réaliser qu'il est temps de passer à autre chose. Enfin bon, un petit tour ici tous les 8 ans, why not.

J'ai détesté la fin du DA pour pleins de raisons, mais surtout car je déteste les adieux et que autant que je grandissais, j'aurai voulu voir les adolescents grandir et vivre d'autres aventures ensemble. Au risque de me répéter, cet univers a tellement de potentiel que trois saisons de plus auraient été vraiment trow kool.

Mais je sais, ça aurait été répétitif.

Mais ça m'aurait probablement plu quand même.

Je finirai par dire que revenir ici me fait penser à kender ; un ancien ami de ce forum. Si tu vois ça, tu n'es pas oublié Smile.

Et si jamais d'autres se souviennent de moi, au plaisir d'échanger. Car c'est aussi ça pour moi Code Lyoko, une communauté qui m'a permis de continuer de rêver de Code Lyoko bien après sa fin, de chouettes rencontres, des essais en écriture (foireux mais le principal c'est d'essayer), des journées entières à parcourir ce forum pour y découvrir des écrits incroyables, des nuits à lire.

Never forget ♡
  Sujet: [Yumi] Début de campagne  

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Vus: 10806

MessageForum: Salon de Yumi   Posté le: Jeu 22 Mai 2014 19:32   Sujet: [Yumi] Début de campagne
J'ai déjà tout dit sur Skype, Tiny sait ce que j'en pense et le comprend j'espère.
Je souhaite moi aussi apporter tout mon soutien à Anneauthier qui, pour les raisons ainsi évoquées sur Skype, me paraît bien le candidat idéal pour représenter les Yumis.

Voilà, c'est tout. Je m'en vais. Rolling Eyes
  Sujet: [Terminée] Historique 2012/2013  

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Vus: 8241

MessageForum:   Posté le: Sam 26 Avr 2014 17:59   Sujet: [Terminée] Historique 2012/2013
Bueno, voilà la traduction de
l'Historique de, année 2012/ 2013 : Renouveau et Apogée

Create a partnership with Moonscoop and professionals

The partnership with Moonscoop has been created in the majority through a fan: Kerian. Member and ancient moderator on, Kerian has been very active after the end of the series to get information from Moonscoop about the dark sides of it.

Moonscoop chose like the main site of the community. The criterions of selection like content quality, its community active, and its nice design. At the end of 2011, Moonscoop recognizes our site like its partner.

Start a long to conquer the work world. It is very hard to be recognize in the work world when we are seen only like fans. But we won. Go to the page « Professionals » to see our success.

Our first contacts take place in March 2012: the team of has been the bêta-testeurs (?) of the social game in Facebook Code Lyoko in collaboration with 3DDUO to get the visit of their studio in April 2013.

The contacts with Moonscoop are very difficult. Yes, we got some exclusivity, like 6/14/2012 the first official page of Megapod. However, the partnership also represents a lot of constraints: confidentiality contracts, a ben more or less high to reveal information leaked. For the identity of the actors, we had to wait September 2012 to reveal it even when we knew it since June.

The most important thing brought by the partnership digs a presence of every fan-events linked to the series. The 4th July 2012, a member of the team represents the community of fans at the casting walk on parts at the Futuroscope (Poitiers). Charente Libre interviews him. The 8th of July, two members of the team are invited officially at the Cosplay of CL to the Japan Exposition being supervisors.

More important: Tuesday, August the 28th, a member of the team is invited on the shooting of Code Lyoko Evolution. He got the possibility to reveal the name of the seventh mainly character: Laura.
Lately, in autumn 2012, a person of the team is invited at the focus group of the series to represent “the old fans”, prove of a big trust by Moonscoop.

Finally, the team of got 5 tickets to the preview Code Lyoko Evolution in Paris in December. The webmasters have the opportunity to interview some people inside. We also met a Youth Manager of France 4 who, after interview, showed up our logo on the site France 4 of Code Lyoko Evolution.

The next is more quiet but the links between Moonscoop and are always here : the team got the officially summaries of the episodes and some documents : renders of the heroes, a video to celebrate our 5 million of visits.

The last big event: the organization of the Japan Exposition 2013. Moonscoop got to the reservation of the Kids Space Sunday afternoon… used it to invite two actors for a dedication time.

To re form a skilled team
Kerian is talking to you :

Kerian, lonely with his partnership, arrives in a community asleep and a staff who don’t appreciate the universe of Code Lyoko.

Aquatikelfik answered present and helped to relaunch the entire site.
Next to it, Shaka came back and saw the partnership like th possibility to expand the site. Unfortunately, Aquatikelfik who didn’t wanted to involve himself totally in the project left it.

But after that, the team began to expand, Kerian and Shaka hiring different people to help them.
They have been rejoined by a lot of people with some of them who quiet the project because of the important rhythm of work.

But the actual team composed by older and new members, coming of all places like others communities’ gives to your favourite fansite an interessant and important dimension.

The relaunch's key has been the Japan Expo where Kerian, Aquatikelfik, Shaka, Etienne and Wilson met for the first time.

After month of work, the roles are expanded naturally. Kerian handled the extern relations of the site (professionals, other sites, partnerships)
Etienne took the “Medias” part. Formed by Shaka, he became after essential for the updates.
Shaka handled the writing, as usual and the rest. Wilson became a real member of the site, handled technical aspects (Youtube’s chain…)

The first hire has been the Referent Fanfictions Pikamaniaque and Icer. Repaired on the forum, they put on their role wonderfully.

The team is expanded with the fusion between and, which can see, arrives Zoddo, Azer56, Thran and Apolyon. Julrose also became after. Only Thran, Apolyon and Julrose are active now on the forum, also helping on the site. The network is expanded and other people are repaired. Kasux ( and Poppy, already met in the Japan Expo 2012, became FanArt referents.

For the design of the site, Shaka decides to create a network with occasional collaborators. They aren’t members of the team but they work for free with arrangements: some advertise, some gifts.

We have for example Nelbsia, the first member helping the site. But also from DeviantArt (Rui, Bassonist From Hell, Alexis ; 2013). The team can also counts on the graphists of the site (Kasux, Poppy, Apolyon).

CyberjujuM and Johann are two old webmasters who give often their help for the technical aspects.

A partnership very strong is created with Immu (IFSCL on after the preview CLEvolution who also give his time to help with difficult graphic tasks.

A site to stay afloat

Relaunch the site but the Forum was undeniable. Sort out, organize, tidy up the topics, tutorials and the rules.

With a good team like we have, the work was enormous…

The creation of Lyokonetwork by Kerian is detailed low.

Shaka, after conversations with CyberjujuM became autonomous and finalize quickly the updates of the season 4 and then develop a system (like today). Efficiency, of course. After that come the time of innovation: he’d rather wait the end of Evolution to catch this section. But other things see the light of day.

8/26/2012: Add “Matrix” and “Translation” files in the section “Files”

9/08/2012: Update of the files + Add of a new file “ Japanese’s culture in Code Lyoko”

9/14/2012: Add of the file “Code Lyoko Evolution” which is summarizing information on the series

9/30/2012: Update of the file “Code Lyoko Evolution” (Page “ Actors discovery”)
+ File “ All on Code Lyoko Evolution”
Update of “Moonscoop” page
Update of the section “Press Review”
Update of the section “ Partnerships” which is replacing the “Links” section
Update of the file “ Kadic Academy/ Lakanal”

10/06/2012: Add of the gallery “Code Lyoko Evolution” available in the “Photos” menu

12/08/2012: Add of the file on the preview of Code Lyoko Evolution
Add of episodes fiches “XANA 2.0” and “Cortex”
Update of the file “All XANA’s attacks”

12/09/2012: Update of the by-products (Back of “Games and toys” + Add of the page “Card game”)

12/16/2012: Update of the LyokoStats’ system + Update of the historical

12/19/2012: Update of the episode fiches “XANA 2.0” and creation of “Spectromania” fiche

12/21/2012: Add of the gallery of the episode “XANA 2.0” + Add of the rules of the game card “Code Lyoko”.

12/30/2012: Creation of the “Actors” section

1/30/2013: Creation of the “3DDuo” section + Update of the presentation of the “Code Lyoko” social game

1/05/2013: Update of the “Garage Kids” section – new “Lyoko Stats” file which is present all statistics per season for the series

1/06/2013: Add of a “Critics” section in the Episodes’ guide.

1/25/2013: Add of a menu for the IFSCL of Immu

1/25 and 1/26: Celebration of the 500 000 visitors on the site. A lot of news like the Attic of

2/26/2013: Update of Code Lyoko Evolution episodes galleries
Update of the “Card game” page
Update of the “Abstracts” page

3/01/2013: Update of “Actors” section + add of “Medias” section for every main actor

3/06/2013: Update of the menus. The “Photos” section become “Images galleries” + Update of this section

3/11/2013: Update of the “Attic”, “Competition” and “Quotations section” sections and creation of “International Team” page

To be continued…

Then, we have to note that by following the broadcast of the Evolution episodes, the Guide is updating.

Etienne re-opens the “Medias” section, closed since and create his section “Les trouvailles du Père Dudu” with some exclusivities (music, videos, sounds…)

11/2/2012: Back of the “Medias” section

11/11/2012: First of “ Les trouvailles du Père Dudu” + Open of the Youtube’s chain on

1/05/2013: Update of Flash Games + add of 3 games : “Odd’s Battle”, “Aelita’s Battle” and “Code Lyoko Galaxy”

1/26 and 1/27/2013: Celebration for the 5 000 000 visitors on the site. Etienne creates “Renders and HD images”

2/26/2013: Update of the Episodes of CLEvolution

3/06/2013: Add of Flash Games : “Manta Bomber” and “ Sector 2 Escape”

The Fanfiction and Fanart’s referents have been removed the entire community with great graphics and writers. With Shaka’s help, in 2013 debut, the section “ Our community is talented” is created to do the promotion of the goods creators. Like the “Perles du Net” page.

Note that the site has platform on the social networks and also an English version soon…

Become the central platform of the community : The LyokoNetwork.

Kerian is talking to you now:

The Lyoko-Network is a concept created by Kerian with an easy aim: to gather together the community Lyokofan in an only platform in combining every lyokofans’ talent. Because, it’s also volunteer’s fans who are helping getting news, design the site with creations etc.

To get ready to welcome CLEvolution, the site will be organized and become the first and unique official site of the Lyokofan’s community. Help and hope!

Kerian started to go through the net to look for some traces of the community like others sites still alive or some secrets projects.

One by one, these sites and these projects was combining to A partnership to help them to be.

Today, we are so proud to tell you that the most interesting projects are on Look at the “Partnership” section to see all Kerian’s work.

Become the central platform of the community :

The last big project of 2013: Internalization of

Before the coming of the English version, was known all over the world for its quality content and its quickly news. But the site stayed in French, a difficult language for the foreigners.
We used to see that our articles was traduce on Tumblr and other.

The idea of the English version was very old in creators’ mind. However, has a lot of pressure to lead the site in its international dimension.

In November 2011: Everything was started with a friendly partnership with Anglophones on forums (LyokoFreak and CL-evolved). brought them a secret help but real about the translation of the episodes.

The links was very secret but very real especially with one webmaster Xiao and two members: A Queen of Fairys and Kelsey.

In January 2013, Shaka got from CyberjujuM that an English version is created. The work was enormous and so huge… Work on the intern structure of the site. All buttons and images of frame page French and English and the translation!

The work took month, Julien often available in regular intervals. But finally, July, 2013, the 10th: the first version is created and opened. Some sections aren’t traduced yet but the hardest is done. (Fanart, fanfictions)

The Americans started since the opened to traduce all the Episode’s Guide. But, for now, it seems that the English team is busing with the Hungarians. So…wait and see!
  Sujet: [Terminée] Code Lyoko: Yumi Ishiyama  

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Vus: 10255

MessageForum:   Posté le: Jeu 24 Avr 2014 13:24   Sujet: [Terminée] Code Lyoko: Yumi Ishiyama
Hello ! Après un ou trois mois de retard, je publie ma traduction sur le personnage de Yumi. J'ai eu parfois du mal à traduire certaines tournures de phrases, j'espère qu'il n'y aura pas de soucis pour comprendre, au niveau du sens, j'entends.

J'avais commencé il y'a longtemps à traduire les dialogues des épisodes, je n'ai vu qu'après que ce n'était pas à faire. Je les ai laissés si ça peut vous avancer mais je n'ai pas fini du coup.



« Dear Mr. President, I'm writing to you about a young girl named Yumi. It's an amazing person. She is originally from Japan (...) »

#35 The Chips Are Down

Yumi Ishiyama
In Japanese, Yumi means, “bow”! “Ishi” means « stone » and « yama »: mountain.

1,65 cm

50 kg

Age in debut:
14 years old.

Another character's objects:
Yumi has a lot of Japanese’s origin things in her home: one game « go », which we can see in the episode 53 “Straight to the Heart” and also one family's samurai armour in the episode 10 « The girl of the dreams » and in the episode 39 “Bad Turn”

Yumi is originally from Japan and she doesn't hide it! A lot of elements, in link with the character evoke Japanese’s customs. In family, she eats with chopsticks (episode 42 « Fine Mess ») and she's often held like Japanese persons. There are a soft toy in her bedroom stem from Totoro's Universe and a low bed. Her education is typically Japanese, with Japanese values particular with a real respect for her parents.


« I promise you that everything just fine, you saw my last report? It was great! »

#29 Exploration

Yumi is a studious girl. Not like Jeremy or Aelita, but she is diligent. She studies for the evaluations, not like some of her friends; she is worried about her marks (episode « Fine Mess »).

Yumi is a student appreciated by the teachers and draw attention to her qualities. Even the director is aware to her value (episode 9 “Satellite”), and let her sometimes skip the class because of XANA.
But her lot of absences and after much delay exhausts the director. He menaces her to be expelled (episode 64 “Double Trouble”). Even so, he's happy for her to have greats marks in resentment her secretly life: All of the students haven't this chance.

She's older than her friends (one year), she has one level above her friends. For this reason, she is sometimes excluding of the group or Jeremy can't count on her during the XANA's attacks.


“Oh, be nice or I say when you come late!”
#53 “Straight to Heart”

From all of the characters, Yumi is the only one, we know really about her family. Her parents lived in Japan before meeting and coming to France. Mr. Ishiyama seems to be a “city man” (Kanto or Kansai) contrary to his wife. The Yumi's brother is 11 and called Hiroki! Yumi has a good relation with her parents, they are a united family even if Hiroki is glad to taunt and stick her.

Her parents are attentive (beside, Yumi is the only extern of the group). Unfortunately, this quality embarrasses Yumi mainly the night's attacks and when Mr. and Mrs. Ishiyama see the absence of their daughter! The two adults have to raise their voice for explications; Yumi doesn't like the idea lying to them.

For more information, consult fiches of Yumi's parents and Hiroki.

Powers, capacities:

“Your telekinesis’s thing is really cool! “

#57 Aelita

One of the Yumi's virtual character majors capacities, it's her gymnastics gifts! If this faculty seems like easy, she doesn't. This gift is large. Indeed, Yumi often executes “somersaults”. With these salts, she can dodge some of monsters, go away from them, stand up after a drop or an impact (#35 “The Chips Are Down”)
In fact, we can say that Yumi makes diversion!

In most cases, Yumi is the only who can dodge XANA's traps in the Sector Five. In the episode 29 “Exploration”, she can across the laser's trap with her suppleness, and maybe the others can't do it.

We can also note that Yumi is the best tightrope walker, with a good balance (supposing that the balance is a notion of the virtual world). She can across easily the timbers in Carthage! She's an ideally candidate to activate the key in the Sector Five when it's difficult. (#52 “The Key”)

But, the real power of the virtual Japanese is the telekinesis!

Because of this faculty, Yumi can move objects in the Sector, Lyoko Warriors, and weapons on small or big distance!
When she uses it, Yumi doesn't need to invoke it orally. She just has to focus, so she bends her fingers except the index finger and the middle finger on her face. She can uses one hand if she needs to use her weapon or send more power to her target. (#40 “Attack of the zombies”)

When the power begins to have an effect, a small white aura irradiates the Yumi's body. But she mustn’t distract herself, or be attacked. If it's happened, the effect of the power is out a while, even if Yumi can immediately appeal it again.

The telekinesis’s mystery is the consequences on Yumi. She's often exhausted after using it. Ulrich call it “telekinesis's thing”, in the episode 57 “Aelita”.
In the episode 21 “0 Gravity Zone”, Odd talks about an energy gauge...Maybe an unknown component of fights on Lyoko.
The others exhaustion's phenomenon are only in the episode 56 “False Lead“ after Aelita used her force field!

Despite the huge properties of telekinesis, Yumi isn't invincible. The main default of telekinesis: she's under duress to focus on the object she moves...So she's offered to the monsters.

In return, telekinesis is a powerful weapon and an infallible shield! Yumi can lift Sector's elements like rocks to smash the monsters and send it on the Digital Sea (#63 “Three is a Odd Number”)

She can defend herself behind a screen (with the same components which turn around her: episode 21 “0 Gravity Zone”. In others cases, it's possible for her to help her friends, lifting and going away them from the Digital Sea or giving them their weapon lost. (Episode 56 “False Lead”).

Finally, it's a dangerous power for monsters, but also for Yumi who is exhausting.

But, after his Xanatification, William broke the myth bursting, with his sword, a rock that was spent for him. (#69 “Wreck Room”). But the Japanese didn't lost heart, and she took her revenge entrain him in a rocky area from Desert Replika. Her great fan's fight art and the telekinesis spent William on the ground under a heavy rocky peak (#83 “Hard Luck”)

Vehicle, weapons, equipment:

“Jeremy, tell me you've reprogram a new vehicle!”
#32 St Valentine's Day

• Weapon:
When her first virtualization on Lyoko, Yumi had one fan to fight, but since the episode 30 ”A Great Day”, she has two fans doubling her fight's efficiency.
Her pair of fans is doing circular movements, which are difficult to dodge for the terrestrial’s monsters.
Yumi has never used her fans as a contact weapon, but it can destroy flying creatures. Weapons like this are mixing itself naturally with the telekinesis.
The two weapons are always sent with a big strength, so it can across a monster before come again to Yumi (Episode “XANA awakens”). The monster's shots can avoid the deathly shots from it road, like the Tarantulas (episode 27 “New Order”).

So, it shows the main default of the fans: when it is out of control of the Japanese girl, Yumi become weapon less, alone so she have to hurry herself to recover her projectiles. These critical situations, Yumi tries to use the telekinesis to recover her fans, to correct a bad shot (episode 31 “Mister Puck”). But, when she fights William, the telekinesis isn't often good enough to dupe the XANA Warrior. The situation is worse when he destroys the Yumi's fans. (Episode 78 “Laboratory Mouse”)

Also, Yumi can use her fans as defense's weapons, and keeping a large movement's freedom. She can protects her from monster’s shots, intercepting it. But unfortunately insufficient to intercept Megatanks shots or the William's Shock Waves, so Yumi has to use her agility.

In this field, the fans are efficient less that Ulrich's saber or Odd's shield. Even if, she is able to parry Hornets or Kankrelats shots bursts, she has to be careful with the powerful shots of the Krabs or Bloks.

Yumi can sometimes mix attack and defense in a particularly figure: she turns on herself, with a speed very fast, holding her fans against herself. The consequence is that all attacks oriented against her are spent to the adversaries. (Episode 60 “Temporary Insanity”)

Yumi's strong; it's the mix between all her capacities. Not as Ulrich who uses his saber's brute force and his speed or Odd who focus himself on his laser arrows and his agility. Yumi combines all these qualities and always push her assets. She's the first one to put seriously William in difficulty in the episode 68 “Opening Act” and defeat him, in a solo fight in the episode 74 “I'd rather not talk about it”.

• Vehicle:
Yumi's vehicle named Overwing. It looks like a saucer. It's an ideal to transport one person, because less dangerous than the others vehicles. But, it has a bad contact with the floor and its passengers collect a violent fall.
It is not efficient like the Overboard, dodge term, because it is very big, but the “handlebar” protects more efficiently against frontals shots.

During the moments where Yumi doesn't need her armament, she bends her fans in her back.

Yumi is the only, except Aelita, who has driven the Skidbladnir, with Jeremy' help. She's already driving in the Navskids. It shows a new versatile's aspect of this character.

Role in the series:

“Anyway, do you mind shelving your ego for a minute? Odd and Aelita need us on Lyoko!”
#36 Marabouta

Being the oldest of the group, Yumi often appears like the most mature and rational. In consequence, the heroes listen her and always take care of her opinion when decisions have to be taken. More, Yumi has always a review to give! (#2 “Seeing is believing”)
It's often to her to raise her voice to calm the group or tell she has on her heart. (#13 “Just in time”).

On Earth, she's an extern and sometimes isolated from the group (not in the same class), the others often need to keep abreast or rescue her. (Episode 1 “Teddygodzilla”)!
A contrary, she's serious so she's often the first to be on Lyoko: and attacked by more monsters.

Even when she's not a geisha (or ninja), Yumi rests a redoubtable fighter with Ulrich. She doesn't care to fight XANA on Earth, if it necessary (Episode 7 “Image problem”). Her fight the most memorable is the last against William-Xanatified from the episode 94 “Fight to the finish”: Yumi is wounded because the fight is one of the violent from the series.

For fans (like at Kadic Academy), Yumi is the pretty who attracts lot of boys and let the girls admiring about her behavior and her irreproachable driving. Not only that, but also her courage and her big maturity.

Nature and behavior:

“Leave me alone, Ulrich, please...I don't want to talk...”

#15 Laughing fit

Yumi is mysterious and beautiful.

Her temperament match perfectly with her clothes or rather her clothes, which match with her nature.

Yumi is a discrete girl, closed on her and isolated! Before she integrates the band and as she says in the episode 1 “XANA Awakens”, she hadn't none friend. We wonder if this exclusion isn't volunteer! In fact, if she appreciates Odd, Aelita, Ulrich and Jeremy, Yumi will supports less the presence of the others near her. She loves loneliness and says in the episode 59 “The Secret” that she can't support the William's dredge plans.

When she has troubles, her first reaction is to search the isolation, in her bedroom or somewhere else!

The people who search to nibble this vital space take big risks. Ulrich knows it perfectly and uses it in the episode 58 “The Pretender” where, jealous, he sends Johnny to scotch Yumi as a fly. Yumi can sometimes be aggressive. Self defense after all...In the episode 62 “Nobody in particular”, we can see her clearly, get angry against Jeremy after he committed a grave fault. Also, she is upset when Ulrich forgets to wish her birthday in the episode 78 “Laboratory Mouse”.

Selfishness, mischievousness, injustice or superficiality is things she can't stand. The young Japanese is opposed to Sissi! Her values are just and straight; Yumi is a virtuous girl! In the episodes 20 “The Robots” and 34 “Missing Link”, Yumi admits that Herb and Sissi have some qualities in spite of their shortcomings.

As a discrete person (but not gothic), Yumi doesn't like speak about her or the confidences. In the episode 15 “Laughing Fit”, Ulrich has to move heaven and earth so that Yumi admits her problems. On the sentimental plan, if Ulrich's position is clear, her is different. Sometimes, we ignore totally what she can think.

Yumi is very courageous, even with William and his superiority. With her control of the martial arts, she moves back in front of anything, even a boy!

Being the older, Yumi is one of the mature in the band! She doesn't let her emotions distort her judgment, she takes any decisions she thinks just, the best as the worse! In the episode 2 “Seeing Is Believing”, she takes the decision to reveal the existence of the Super-calculator because the real danger.

About XANA, even if it seems take Yumi for its privilege target, like her black week or in the episodes 58 “The Pretender”, 61 ”Sabotage”, her audacity and her pugnacity are exemplars! In the band, she's the only not to give up or propose to turn off the Super-calculator.

Yumi is a real big sister! Trustworthy, attentive, encouraging, she often forget her owns problems to concentrate on the others. From the Aelita's first evenings on Earth, Yumi supports her (#26 “False Start”). From all of them, she is the most concern about William on Lyoko, even if she holds it against him to let himself taken by XANA. In the 76 “The Lake”, she is compassionate when the real William tries to fight against the virus.

It's often her who raises the tone, like the 36 “Marabouta”. A contrary, when Ulrich begins to turn around another girl, her maturity is deleted for jealousy and pride. (#22 Routine and #32 Saint Valentine’s Day)

Add that Yumi is scathing to make admit to Odd and Ulrich their faults. She gives to Milly and Tamiya an embarrassing photo of the two friends in the episode 92 “Cold Sweat”, in reprisals.

On Lyoko, Yumi is determined but doesn't walk straight like Odd or Ulrich. She doesn't take any pleasure to fight and she's always concentrate. Stratagems impress her but she doesn't give up.

So, it's rare to see Yumi moves back but it frequent to see her to chain a series of sides dodges!


It's a real joke to have the claim to understand all of the Yumi's thoughts. But, I'm going to try to make an analyze...

Knowing the serious of Yumi, we doubt that she had been a relation ship before the start of the series. But the hypotheses stay opens, we can think that she had a story, but surely not shorts stories.

The word “love” stay tie up with the word “Ulrich”! The young girl met the young boy for the first time during a martial lesson managed by Jim. The two pupils were the only subscribers and Ulrich didn't make a good impression! If the Japanese saw his charm when they were on the floor, she wasn't convinced of his salute, upset of his defeat.

Yumi doesn't fall in love in one day, but she blushes once again when she fought against him another time. The fight sports are their first thing in common and also challenges.

Then, Yumi is engaged against XANA's fight with the circumstances we know.

We can see months later a Yumi always discrete but with some signs which show a big protectionism to Ulrich (# 1 Teddygozilla), signs of jealousy with the episode 5 “Big Bug”;
Yumi has feeling for Ulrich!

In the case where cast herself passionately in Ulrich's arms or asking to Jeremy if Sissi is able to crush on him are proves, Yumi doesn't give others. Result: the situation is always the same with a Yumi not ready to make the first step and an Ulrich much closed on himself to do it.

Yumi's position stays ambiguous. He sometimes confides in Odd or Jeremy, but we never heard Yumi speaks about their relation ship. Only some signs...
But...arrives the moment where Sissi write a false letter to Ulrich signed: Yumi. Ulrich, courageous comes to tell to Yumi that the feelings are reverses... Yumi tells the truth: she has never been writing this letter in the place to make the most of the opportunity to admit her feelings. She lets Sissi laugh and an Ulrich upset. Fortunately, these problems aren't any longer. (#12 Swarming Attack)

The indifference of Yumi is going to affect Ulrich who choose to have a relation ship with another girl. The reaction of Yumi is immediate, she feel herself hunted. We see with her dialogue with Ulrich that she's a big jealous but incapable to avoid her feelings. Ulrich leaves her, letting her close to tears. On Lyoko, the battle is manage in a very tense way until Yumi is ejected on the digital space. Ulrich only just catches her and in a magical moment they begin to kiss but the return to the past catch them and the kiss stays unfinished. On the Earth, they stay agree to keep this secret, but mind state changed. (#22 Routine)

Yumi prefers keep this kiss secret "for a while". Will she expect something?

But it's an in expecting person who appears, a new character interested about Yumi favors: William (27 New Order)
Fast, Yumi sees that William likes her. William begins a seduction game with her, which Yumi doesn't complain. She lets Ulrich unknown of this situation. But a real rivalry is installed between the two young men.

Yumi's position will stay misty. Until the episode 39 "A bad turn", Yumi will be irritated about the William behavior. He tries to kiss her without effect, told her: “Ulrich?” She doesn't answer and leave him in the street. Ulrich is seeing the scene without Yumi can see him and he leaves, sad and upset. He wanted to admit his feelings on her. After that, Ulrich and William will confront their feeling.

With Sissi and William, the situation doesn't evolve between Yumi and Ulrich. (# 32 Saint Valentine’s Day), even if we can feel a secret connection between them, the situation has a real evolution at the end of the year (#52 The Key). After a new quarrel because William, Yumi sees Ulrich comes to her to avoid to her his feelings but interrupted by Jeremy. After the XANA's evasion of the Supercalculator, it's the holidays and the moment for Yumi to make the point.

Back in school, she told him: "friends and that's all." Ulrich doesn't understand, the message is clear but not understood.

After all of this, Yumi doesn't let anything pass about her feelings. William, who doesn’ t know the changes between the two people, doesn't stop to pick her up. But it's enough: "sucks dredge plans"
In the episode 59 ''The Secret”, William want again a kiss. From this incident, the confidence of Yumi to the boy is broken!

The fans always wait the moment where Yumi changes her decision concerning Ulrich, but the thoughts of the Japanese stay closed on her. Even if she takes a decision, we see that her feelings are always here (#66 William Returns) when she wakes up on the Ulrich's shoulder. But she is strong to hide them, Ulrich doesn't see it…at rates moments, they appear like the episode 78 ''Lab Rat”, where Ulrich forget her birthday. She is totally upset against him, but she forgive him when he brings her a gift.

In the episode 92 “Cold Sweat”, Ulrich is taken in a stupid thing of Odd and takes the responsibility of a fault committed by Odd. He gave a Yumi's compromising photo to Milly and Tamiya. Yumi is very upset against Ulrich and in a Replika in Siberia with Odd; she thinks that Ulrich did that to attract her. She comes to Ulrich and tells him that he needn't have to do this. She continues to think about him night and day. After that and not shy, she brings him a kiss on his forehead.


Yumi is a young girl with Japanese's origins. Detaining the nationality of Nippon’s archival, we can think that she is born there, but we haven't any information on the date where she came in France with her parents and her little brother. But she hasn't any accent…

She is subscribing on the Kadic Academy, but only as an extern. She doesn't sleep like her friends. We don't know much of her child period, only she hasn't any friend, because her closed nature…until the day which changes her life!

Some days before this day, Yumi was at the college, as a serious and hard-working girl. She follows the extra-scholarly activities too and comes an evening, at the martial art lesson, teaching by Jim, and the supervisor. Here, she meets a new boy who she fights and wins. During the battle, Yumi couldn't prevent herself to blush in front of him. Upset and heated, the young man leaves her without a goodbye.

One day later, Ulrich determined finds Yumi to confront her once again. Face to face on the floor, they blush again and admit that it's a draw. Ulrich introduces himself: Ulrich Stern.

But a disruptive element is coming: without Yumi could understand, a fireball is against them. Yumi is letting herself guide by Ulrich who taking her behind a door… After calling some friends, Ulrich tells her to get out but she’s not agree with him and decides to follow him to the factory, but knowing the truth about the problem in the gymnasium. She falls into a special mix group.

Ulrich, the handsome young man, Odd with wired clothes and finally Jeremy, with his model-boy look.

Involves into this band, which speak not very English, and after, find her in the scanners before to be dematerialize and rematerialize in Lyoko.
She falls in the Ice Sector where she is wearing an Asian princess outfit like in her country before.

Then, Yumi became a real Lyoko Warrior, as we know.

After fighting against monsters to save a virtual young girl, Yumi came back on Earth, and into the past! Now, she belongs to a band with some new friends, prisoners in a big adventure! An adventure, which will end when Jeremy will find a way to get back the young girl, named Aelita!
The young Japanese learns that their enemy is called XANA, a multi agent program with one aim: destroy the world.

It’s a new chapter in Yumi’s life.

Months after, the fights against XANA are linked to deactivate towers, save the world, return to the past. And Yumi always won her missions with her fans.

But, like the others heroes, life is not easy, especially Yumi who is one of the favorite target of XANA, as we can see it in the episodes (“black week” called by fans) 6 “Cruel Dilemme“ to 10 “The Girl Of The Dreams” which ones Yumi falls into the Digital Sea, is prisoner by a Guardian, followed by an alien, military satellite and attacked by an armour possessed.

Yumi came very close to death, always saved by the return to the past. One day, she really died falling into the Digital Sea but saved by the materialize program of Jeremy.

XANA is a thing, the adolescence another! If fight a powerful program is difficult, Yumi is also confronts some problems with people: handle her relationship with Ulrich often threaded (#12 Swarming Attack, #22 Routine), save her family when her parents quarrel continually. (#15 Laughing Fit)

Yumi will fight as the others for Aelita’s materializing, with hope that the Supercalculator can be switch off and live a normal life! Aelita will be materialized, but because of the missing link, the Supercalculator cannot be turned off. Worse, XANA will become more powerful than he is. More smart, dangerous.
But Yumi will stay faithful to herself, courageous, determined fighting Tarentulas or Scyphosoa or being xanatified without let go!

Then, a new person appears in her life: William. The boy is very in love of Yumi, but she is not scared, far of this. (#27 New Order). But a real war begins since, between William and Ulrich, so as Sissi who doesn’t really help. What a complicated adolescent life!

Between XANA which get her in trouble, like steeling her a little fragment of her to prevent all rematerialization (#34 Missing Link), Yumi has to face her parents who notice that she goes out the night to go to the factory (#29 Exploration). More, they think about move out the country because the unemployment of Mr. Ishiyama (#35 The Chips Are Down)

If it was only that… Worse, Yumi’s troubles grow up! XANA kidnaps her by the director or sends a clone to sow love discord among the group (#43 XANA’s kiss). During a scanner bug, Yumi will find her in Odd’s body and will almost die. (#42 A Fine Mess). The war between Ulrich and William will be worse for her, especially when the two boys will fight (#39 A Bad Turn)

Although Jeremy’s search about the antivirus struggles ahead, XANA achieves a big powerful degree and sends a Franz Hopper’s clone to elude his enemies. Yumi thinks she has a cellular degeneration so she is upset against Jeremy who is excluding of the band. After that, they find the nature of the false Hopper and Jeremy will assure her that she hasn’t any problem.

The truth day about the missing link arrives and after a fight with Ulrich, Yumi and the others are virtualized to get back it. But she will attend, powerless, in the lab, Aelita getting sucked up her memory by the Scyphosoa and XANA run away from the Super-calculator. Aelita brought back to life because of Franz Hopper, then the heroes promise to continue their fight against XANA.

During the holiday, there is no trouble and XANA stays in the network quietly. But not for long because XANA attacks the Lyoko’s heart, which Yumi tried to defend. (#53 Straight To The Heart). Also, she fights to keep safe the Territories (#59 The Secret). To keep William and Ulrich each other away and stop the fights, she will tell to Ulrich: “friends and that’s all”. More, she will deprive William of the secret when she votes “No” against him to join the Lyoko Warriors (#59 The Secret).

Yumi is always taken as a target by XANA. She is the object of a lot of battles: Xanatification of all her class (#54 Lyoko Minus One), take of control of ravens to hurt her to death (#58 The Pretender),and plants to bury in a calm place of the woods (#61 Sabotage).

Yumi doesn’t reach to save the Mountain Territory (#64 Double Trouble), which is destroyed.
After a good behavior of William, she finally accepts to let him enter the group and told him the good new!

She will regret her gesture.
Shortly after, she came in the Heart place where she sees a William Xanatified, who devirtualized her and the others. Like the others, she attends to the destruction of Lyoko.

When a message from Franz Hopper is coming…hope.

Yumi is the first to put Dark William in real difficulty (#68 Opening Act) an the first to win a battle between him (#74 I’d Rather Not To Talk About It). Her technic is better than Odd and Ulrich ones.
More, Yumi is more able to destabilize him to the influence of XANA, as we see it in the famous scene of the episode #76. The Japanese girl is the most affected by the William lost. She is careless of the replica of the boy.

On Earth, when she is not attacked by a raged replika (#69 Wreck Room), she is covering Aelita (#72 Crash Course). Except the two genies, she is the most confortable with Informatics. She comes to make a pre-recorded virtualizing (#76 The Lake).

In the Network, she seems less confortable in the Navskids than the two carefulness boys. She lost herself in it (#77 Lost At Sea) but her friends save her.

Translated, Yumi is excellent! She imposes to William his biggest trashing!

The girl lives some bad days after… She is attacked by some robots (#80 Dog Day Afternoon), overcomed by William during a translation (#92 Bad Connection), by the Kolossus on Lyoko (#93 Cold Sweat) and attacked by William during the ultimo battle (#94 Fight To The Finish).

She hated to fight, so it’s relived that Yumi attends to the end of XANA.

When comes the moment to turn off the Super-Calculator, she is the happiest. No regrets, no tears and is even upset when she sees that her friends are not happy to get over this. After a tough day, she told Ulrich that the future would be great, even without XANA. The group, more confident turns off the machine.

  Sujet: [Défi] Let it go !  

Réponses: 11
Vus: 16947

MessageForum: Organisation de Laura   Posté le: Jeu 03 Avr 2014 15:30   Sujet: [Défi] Let it go !
Un jury peut être composé de plusieurs personne, non ? Rolling Eyes

J'aimerai beaucoup en faire partie avec Oddye... Après tout, Oddye es-tu prête à prendre toute la responsabilité sur tes épaules si le royaume te soumet son mécontentement face à ta décision ? Mr. Green

Et puis... j'étais là lors de l'animation et je me suis bien amusée. Laughing
  Sujet: [One-Shot] Poisson d'avril !  

Réponses: 9
Vus: 19007

MessageForum: Fanfictions Code Lyoko   Posté le: Mer 02 Avr 2014 19:13   Sujet: [One-Shot] Poisson d'avril !
Un OS très sympathique comme tu sais bien les écrire. Ma foi, les cours de philo t'inspirent ! Tu as bien pensé en faisant de ce Premier Avril un jour détesté par Odd, ça change. Et puis j'avoue que j'attendais ta chute avec impatience car je voyais pas quelle raison pouvait être inventée pour illustrer tout ça.

Ce fut à ce moment que le petit garçon su que son chien le protégerait quoiqu’il advienne.


Ah juste une chose : il y a beaucoup de répétitions de "premier avril", j'ai tiqué en lisant. Autrement, c'est bien écrit Smile

Moment agréable passé à te lire, comme toujours.
Voili, bonne soirée !
  Sujet: [Animation]Tournoi des 7 PICHON  

Réponses: 42
Vus: 58888

MessageForum: Foyer des élèves   Posté le: Jeu 06 Mar 2014 00:00   Sujet: [Animation]Tournoi des 7 PICHON
Très chouette soirée en votre compagnie. La preuve en est qu'on termine seulement maintenant l'animation. Malgré mes pauvres points, je me suis bien amusée. A une prochaine fois pour chanter Let It Go sans bug Wink

Tendresse & Chocolats.
  Sujet: [Animation]Tournoi des 7 PICHON  

Réponses: 42
Vus: 58888

MessageForum: Foyer des élèves   Posté le: Mar 04 Mar 2014 20:57   Sujet: [Animation]Tournoi des 7 PICHON
Bonsoir, bonsoir,

J'annonce que je représenterai les Yumi au grand Tournoi des 7 Pichon.
  Sujet: Le Salon de Yumi  

Réponses: 74
Vus: 160395

MessageForum: Salon de Yumi   Posté le: Lun 03 Mar 2014 22:22   Sujet: Le Salon de Yumi

Me voilà pour une petite annonce/demande/requête...

Il me semble que le Salon n'a pas de représentant(e) pour le Tournoi des 7 Pichon donc j'aimerai me proposer si personne n'y voit d'inconvénient.
J'ai vu La Reine des Neiges/ Frozen deux fois et j'aimerai bien participer à ma première animation sur Skype.

Merci, bonne soirée les fans!
  Sujet: [Shop] L'ArtShop de Lénaelle  

Réponses: 56
Vus: 97528

MessageForum: Graphisme et infographisme Code Lyoko   Posté le: Ven 28 Fév 2014 11:34   Sujet: [Shop] L'ArtShop de Lénaelle

Merci pour ton dessin, il est très joli vraiment !

[Edit Lénaelle] Haha ne t'inquiete pas, va, c'est pas grave. C'est simplement qu'un dessin comme ça, sans consigne précise ça me demande 3 fois plus de temps (de recherche de poses par exemple) qu'un dessin commandé par quelqu'un qui me décrit vraiment le dessin donc les poses, le cadrage (loin, pres, ce qui se passe en arrière-plan, premier, plan, si la scene est vue de haut, au contraire en contre-plongée ou de face) ainsi que le lieu (des arbres, un banc, le temps qu'il fait...).
Mais c'est vrai que c'est tellement plus facile de dire "fais ce que tu veux, c'est toi l'artiste".
Enfin bon, je vais ajouter toutes ces précisions dans les instructions en début de shop, et peut-etre aussi que c'est moi qui me suis pas bien exprimé quand je t'ai dit en mp:

Lénaelle a écrit:
N'oublie pas de mettre le plus d'infos possible !

Edit : Ne crois pas que "fais ce que tu veux, c'est toi l'artiste" c'est ce que j'ai voulu te montrer, parce que non. Mais enfin,je prends note de tout ça et serait plus explicite la prochaine fois. Merci encore
  Sujet: [Saint-Valentin] Le couple du forum  

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Vus: 85480

MessageForum: Foyer des élèves   Posté le: Jeu 27 Fév 2014 18:19   Sujet: [Saint-Valentin] Le couple du forum
Mon vote va à a8s et Benjisop Cool
  Sujet: [Shop] L'ArtShop de Lénaelle  

Réponses: 56
Vus: 97528

MessageForum: Graphisme et infographisme Code Lyoko   Posté le: Jeu 27 Fév 2014 10:09   Sujet: [Shop] L'ArtShop de Lénaelle

J'aimerai passer une commande pour un dessin Smile

Pour les persos, j'aimerai bien une représentation de nos 6 Lyoko Guerriers (Odd (+ Kiwi)-Ulrich-William-Aelita-Yumi-Jérémie) Je préfère préciser Mr. Green
Pour le fond...un jardin, un lieu paisible (un peu comme le parc du lycée mais en encore plus convivial).
Et pour l'ambiance...Un paysage qui montre qu'ils sont tous très proches (bon tu peux mettre William un peu à part, c'est vrai). Tu peux montrer Aelita et Yumi (ou Odd) qui se chamaillent gentiment, ou Ulrich et Yumi qui se courent après, ou Jérémie explosant de rire sur le sol (ou au contraire regardant discrétos son PC, ou par Kiwi qui lèche le visage d'Ode (ou Aelita)...Tout ce qui te fait envie. Le tout en essayant d'intégrer William sans trop non plus faire les hypocrites.

Conclusion : une dimension positive du groupe, un truc bien tout rose qui fait ressortir toute la joie et l'amitié que partagent les LG.

Prend ton temps, rien ne presse !

Merci beaucoup d'avance, j'ai hâte de voir le résultat.
  Sujet: [Fanfic] Supernova [Terminée]  

Réponses: 29
Vus: 55503

MessageForum: Fanfictions Code Lyoko   Posté le: Jeu 20 Fév 2014 16:51   Sujet: [Fanfic] Supernova [Terminée]
Bonjour !

Petit commentaire rapide vu que Zéphyr est au taquet, il a presque tout dit. Je ne peux cependant m'empêcher (a) de faire une remarque personnelle.

Je trouve le langage que tu utilises, comment dire...pas vulgaire car c'est un peu fort mais j'avoue que je ne me fais pas du tout au langage d'Odd, aux "putain" d'Ulrich etc... Je pense qu'il y a d'autres façons d'exprimer ses pensées. De temps en temps ok, mais rien que dans la première partie de ton premier chapitre j'en ai compté 3.

Je n'ai pas encore lu la suite mais bon... Question d'habitude peut être.

Pour le scénario, j'attends de voir la suite mais cela me paraît un début vraiment pas mal.

Je t'encourage pour la suite, de plus qu'un chapitre par semaine c'est plutôt fort. Je crois qu'on a tous dit ça pour nos fics, malheureusement le rythme de publication s'élargit de lui même. En tout cas, bon courage.
  Sujet: Liste des monstres et épisode en anglais.  

Réponses: 23
Vus: 41877

MessageForum:   Posté le: Mar 18 Fév 2014 21:03   Sujet: Liste des monstres et épisode en anglais.
Bonsoir à vous,

Je cherche comment dire : Programme multi-agent.

Multi-agent program ? Bof...
  Sujet: [Japan Expo 2014] Recensement  

Réponses: 77
Vus: 98415

MessageForum: IRL et conventions   Posté le: Mar 18 Fév 2014 19:59   Sujet: [Japan Expo 2014] Recensement
J'aimerai beaucoup être là, au moins pour le samedi. Vous pouvez donc m'inscrire pour le "désireuse mais pas sûre". Mon problème majeur serait l'hébergement... Je vais essayer de vous tenir vite au courant !

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