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[Terminé] Traduction de "Interview avec Gulliver Bevern

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MidoChou MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 14:59   Sujet du message: [Terminé] Traduction de "Interview avec Gulliver Bevern Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2013
Messages: 206
Interview avec Gulliver Bevernaege -> Interview with Gulliver Bevernaege

Salut à tous, et notamment aux membres de l'équipe du site !
Je vous présente aujourd'hui une traduction d'une page dans la rubrique Code Lyoko Evolution : "[Février 2013] - Interview de Gulliver Bevernaege (Odd) par" dans la sous-rubrique "Dossiers". Merci à l'équipe anglaise ou à toute autre personne de la vérifier ! Wink

MidoChou a écrit:

Interview avec Gulliver Bevernaege
Interview of Gulliver Bevernaege
Actor who embody Odd Della Robbia

You will find on this page a lot of information about Gulliver Bevernaege ! interviewed Gulliver Bevernaege within the framework of their partnership with Moonscoop in Skype. Here is the report of the conversation with Gulliver and the website's editor. Thank you Gulliver for having answered the questions !

For more information about Gulliver (Generalities, photos, medias, etc.),
>> Visit his page "Actor" <<

The interview of Gulliver, by

Shaka: We begin with the life except Lyoko. can you tell us more about your passions?

Gulliver Bevernaege: My passions are the video games Razz The roller, the sport, the music and also reading books. I like eating also.

Shaka: What kind of music ? And what are your favorite dishes?

Gulliver Bevernaege: My favorite kind of music it is the rap (there is Rizzle Kicks, Chiddy bang, Eminem, etc.) and my favorite dishes are the meat, the potatoes Razz , all which is fast food and also my BEST is livia's pasta (pastas with some ham, peas, some crème fraiche, some grated cheese).

Shaka: Wait, geek! Let us speak about video games! The rumors mention that you would be a fan of the MMORPG?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I'm not a fan but I spent A LONG TIME on Worldraft, and now I play Guild Wars 2.

Shaka: Your game characters on World Of Warcraft ? =)

Gulliver Bevernaege: I have a lot, (I am going to say my highest levels) so there is Creezy a zombie thief level 87, Croozy a zombie witch level 85, Melakir a Tauren Paladin level 85, Workam a orc warrior level 85, Neverone (yeah I know that means nothing...) a blood elf level 85,and I have others but we don't care of them Razz.

Shaka: Long the H2.

Gulliver Bevernaege: That's all.

Shaka: Describe yourself in five words ! (It's an example of poor questions ! XD)

Gulliver Bevernaege: Crazy, happy, "wanker", sportsman and geek Razz

Shaka: Sportsman and geek ? You can do ?

Gulliver Bevernaege : Yes, totally, I like play tennis also. Wink

Shaka: Okay ! You confirm that Code Lyoko Evolution is your
first "huge role" (excepted your apparition in Canaille + ?)

Gulliver Bevernaege : I was chosen for a role in the cinema but, because of the budget, the project was given up.

Shaka: What was the film's theme ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: A complete family who goes to campaign because of the grandma's death. I don't have more information ! Razz

Shaka: You said that you don't know if you would be actor later. Now, what is the reason which urged you to be an actor in TV ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: My parents and my performences in lying xD
And the desire to be another character... Even if Odd looks like me xD

Shaka: Detail about your family : Do you have sisters or brother ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: 2 sisters, one is 13 years old, the other one is 18.

Shaka: Last question before the question concerning Lyoko : Does an idol inspires you? In cinema'or somewhere else ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Bob Lennon. xD And also PewDiePie.

Shaka: So, we will penetrate the Lyokosphere ! First frequent question : Did you know Code Lyoko before the recruitment for the role ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes, I watched it when I was young. Moreover, I thought that Odd was a girl...

Shaka: Oh my god, I think that you are not alone. Did you like much Code Lyoko ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I didn't watch it a lot but in think that I appreciated it. Razz

Shaka: Do you have your favorite characters when you was young ? Favorite scenes ? Favorite episodes ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Mmmmmh, When Odd was putting back his hair favorite characters... There is Jim, Sissi (it's stage Razz) Yumi (not too much) and Odd Razz

Shaka: What do you think of the hairstyle of your character ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I adore, I adhere ! Mr. Green

Shaka: Would you re-do your hair like that in the real life? Razz

Gulliver Bevernaege: No problem, but I don't know how to do it ! xD

Shaka: Okay ! Odd is a fan of purple. Do you like this color ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes, it's one of my favorite colors.

Shaka: OK. I will try to ask some serious questions... Are there some things that you like in your character, and other things that you don't?

Gulliver Bevernaege: He likes all what I like, so there's no problem ! Razz

Shaka: What do you think of his personality ? Do you adhere also ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Totally Very Happy

Shaka: Do you like when he change his girlfriend every week ? (In Code Lyoko, not in Evolution) Or when he has two girlfriend at the same time ? XD

Gulliver Bevernaege: I adhere TOTALLY Razz

Shaka: Did the episodes of Code Lyoko inspire you for Odd's personality, or you followed the script ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I was inspired by my personnality :O I putted lots of "huh" at the sentences' ends... I'm not sure that I answered right.

Shaka: How did the casting take place for you? ? Did you think that you will be taken? How was the casting for you ? Did you know that you will embody Odd ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes I knew that I will be Odd 3 castings. The first for, it was Odd, the second, for Jeremy, and the third, for Odd. Razz

Shaka: Can you speak to us about the preparation that you had for the filming? (Information about the series, exercise, entertainment, etc...)

Gulliver Bevernaege: We have one week during Easter for the entertainment.

Shaka: What kind of entertainment ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: To embody in the good way our characters.

Shaka: The film crew obliged you to see the original series ? Or something like that ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: No.

Shaka: A question taps enormously people huhu : Who won the laser game which you made between actor at the beginning for being more closer?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Ahah Razz It's Matthieu, the first assistant Very Happy

Shaka: Okay. The film crew was involved. And among the actors, who got the best score ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Hum, I think it was Diego but I'm not sure.

Shaka: Your humor during the filming : Ambiance, relation with the film crew ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Perfect !

Shaka: The pressure was easy to manage ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes. Personally, I wasn't stressed !

Shaka: Are there actor/actress with whom you had more affinities during the filming ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I had affinities with all the actors but I prefer to be with Marin and Pauline because we have the same age, and the same habitation.

Shaka: That allows me to do a wonderful transition to the following question : What was the atmosphere in the host house ?According to the law, the minors have to be under guardianship. Was it strict ? Cool

Gulliver Bevernaege: It was not at all. We have to go bed at 10:00 PM, and we 6 years old, to go to the other house.

Shaka:There was two houses ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: For the adults and for the young.

Shaka: The house was sympathetic ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yeah, not bad.

Shaka: Did you get closer with the other actor at the beginning or lately ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yeah, we became friend so fast. And even, more, for two actors ! xD

Shaka: Won't we talk about Mélanie and Quentin ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Nooo !

Shaka: Did you organize meeting wither actors ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: We didn't meet since the last projection

Shaka: Within the limits of information that you are authorized to reveal : What was the moment which made a deep impression on you ?

Gulliver Bevernaege: When the filming was finished, I was happy and sad. Sad

Et voilà, j'espère que ce n'est pas catastrophique ! Wink

Dernière édition par MidoChou le Mar 13 Aoû 2013 20:03; édité 4 fois
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Peppy MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 16:23   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 01 Fév 2013
Messages: 241
I'm note a fan


one have 13 years, the other one have 18 years.

Pour l'âge,on utilise be et non have Smile
=> one is 13,the other one is 18

What dnk of his personality




Des erreurs de frappe,pas grand chose. J'ai lu en diagonale,j'ai fait le max que je pouvais je crois ^^
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*Odd Della Robbia* MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 16:31   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 14 Sep 2008
Messages: 1329
Localisation: Sur le territoire Banquise entrain de faire de l'overboard
je pense aussi que hobbies sonnerai mieux que passions dans ce contexte.

Aussi tu a marqué Worldraft, je connais pas ce diminutif, j'ai toujours lu WoW ou world of warcraft.

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ZaRyu MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 16:37   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 19 Aoû 2012
Messages: 910
Localisation: Finistère
Or when hgirlfriend at the same time ? XD

C'est quoi ce "hgirfriend" ??

(Information about the series, exercise, entertainment, e

Ca serait mieux avec la fin de la phrase ...

who gost score ?

Encore des mots compressés avec des syllabes manquantes ...

How did you passed your meeting

Ici, tu utilises deux fois la marque du passé : à "did" et à "passed". Or, il ne faut mettre la marque du passé qu'une fois, donc il fallait marquer "How did you pass your meeting".

D'une manière générale, y'a beaucoup de trous dans tes phrases, et des fois, y'a des mots qui sont meme pas complets ! Franchement, je te conseille de prendre encore quelques lecons d'anglais, et surtout de te relire quand tu as fini de traduire !
Note de Thran : Signature supprimée car trop grande. Voilà l'ancien code [code:1][/code:1]
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Shaka MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 16:39   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 12 Avr 2006
Messages: 3893
Localisation: Sur une colline, près des étoiles
J'apprécie le fait que vous vous corrigiez entre vous.
Par contre, c'est un projet de groupe aussi j'aimerai que vous fassiez un petit effort d'agréabilité.

Pas la peine d'épiloguer sur le sujet cela dit.

Les fleurs naissent, puis se fânent. Les étoiles brillent puis s'éteignent. Ainsi, la galaxie et notre Univers tout entier seront, un jour, amenés à disparaître...
A côté, la vie d'un homme ne représente qu'un éphémère battement de cils... Durant ce temps, l'homme naît et grandit, il s'amuse et se bat, il aime et déteste, il est heureux, puis triste... Tout ça, en un très court instant...
Avant de tomber dans un éternel sommeil qu'est la Mort...
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MidoChou MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 16:42   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2013
Messages: 206
Hé bien, moi qui croyait qu'il y en avait plus... C'était un bug du BBcode, des balises étaient manquantes alors que j'en avais ajouté, et mes phrases étaient aussi affectées...
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ZaRyu MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 16:43   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 19 Aoû 2012
Messages: 910
Localisation: Finistère
C'est justement pour cette raison qu'on pointe du doigt les inégalités et les fautes de frappe de chaque texte : pour pouvoir les corriger, contrairement aux extraits et phrases correctes qui n'en ont pas besoin.

Après, il est vrai qu'on donne l'impression qu'on ne fait pas attention aux bons côtés de la traduction, mais en même temps, ces parties ne sont pas améliorables ou n'ont pas besoin. Donc on s'attarde sur les ombres au tableau afin de rendre le tout meilleur.
Note de Thran : Signature supprimée car trop grande. Voilà l'ancien code [code:1][/code:1]
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MidoChou MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 16:58   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2013
Messages: 206
Merci ! Wink

Je viens de tout relire et j'ai tout corrigé il me semble. Vu que j'écrivais ça sur un autre support, et que j'ai ajouté le BBcode sur le forum après avoir fini, des problèmes ont surgi il me semble au niveau de la mise en forme, du coup, des parties de ma phrases ont été rognées, et des balises ont été mal fermées.

ZaRyu a écrit:
Franchement, je te conseille de prendre encore quelques lecons d'anglais, et surtout de te relire quand tu as fini de traduire !

Ce n'était pas question de leçons mais de mise en forme, mes traductions précédentes n'étaient pas aussi catastrophiques, c'est juste un problème technique. Wink
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Codel96 MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 18:52   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2013
Messages: 34
Localisation: ls -r /users | grep "Codel*"
Comme déjà signalé, ce n'est pas wordraft mais World of Warcraft Razz !

Detail about you family


An idol inspires you?

Je dirais plus : Does an idol inspire you ? A l'oral, tu peux dire comme ça, mais à l'écrit, l'utilisation des auxiliaires est préférée de manière générale Wink.

Code: this color ?

Do you ?*

and other things that you don?

you don't*

You adhere

Do you* encore ^^

Did the episodes of Code Lyoko inspires


Yes i knew

I* knew

There is/are actor / actress with whom

Are there actor/actress*

It was strict ?

Was it strict*

ere was two houses ?


And even, mor, for two actors

And even, more*

We will not talk

Won't we talk* ?

Tous les "have you" => Do you have.

Ensuite, là je ne m'attaque qu'aux points qui sont de l'ordre du détail :

- en anglais, il n'y a pas d'espaces avant les points d'interrogation et d'exclamation Wink. J'ai remarqué qu'à certains endroits tu les as mis, et à d'autres, non.
- n'oublie pas les points à la fin de tes phrases !
- un smiley devrait être mis avant le point, pas après : il ne sert pas de ponctuation, et est intégré à la phrase ^^.
- pas de majuscule après un ":" d'explication, genre "Now for Lyoko : did you".
- (In Code Lyoko, not in Evolution), à mettre avant le point d'interrogation, car se rapporte à la première phrase.

Je sais je chipote xD !
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MidoChou MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 19:47   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2013
Messages: 206
Merci à tous pour vos topos, faut dire que la plupart des erreurs sont celles-qui sont dues au problème que j'ai décrit avant...

Codel96 a écrit:

- en anglais, il n'y a pas d'espaces avant les points d'interrogation et d'exclamation Wink. J'ai remarqué qu'à certains endroits tu les as mis, et à d'autres, non.
- n'oublie pas les points à la fin de tes phrases !
- un smiley devrait être mis avant le point, pas après : il ne sert pas de ponctuation, et est intégré à la phrase ^^.
- pas de majuscule après un ":" d'explication, genre "Now for Lyoko : did you".
- (In Code Lyoko, not in Evolution), à mettre avant le point d'interrogation, car se rapporte à la première phrase.

Tout ça je n'y suis pour rien, j'ai copié texto ce qu'il y avait dans le site et j'ai remplacé les phrases c'est tout. Wink
De plus pour les inversions de sujets et tout, si tu insistes vraiment... Mais c'était une conversation Skype, donc bon...
En tout cas c'est corrigé. Smile
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Codel96 MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 19:55   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2013
Messages: 34
Localisation: ls -r /users | grep "Codel*"
Ah non j'insiste pas, c'est juste que ça fait mieux Razz ! Et comme je l'ai dit, ce n'est que du chipotage ^^.

En fait pour les inversions de sujet, ce qui comptait essentiellement, c'était les phrases longues : pour les courtes ça peut se dire, mais phrases longues c'est mieux car on sait tout de suite que c'est une question.

EDIT : Y'a aussi le "e" de : "Within the limits e authorized".
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MidoChou MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 20:04   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2013
Messages: 206
Codel96 a écrit:
Ah non j'insiste pas, c'est juste que ça fait mieux Razz ! Et comme je l'ai dit, ce n'est que du chipotage ^^.

En fait pour les inversions de sujet, ce qui comptait essentiellement, c'était les phrases longues : pour les courtes ça peut se dire, mais phrases longues c'est mieux car on sait tout de suite que c'est une question.

EDIT : Y'a aussi le "e" de : "Within the limits e authorized".

Oui c'est bien ce que je disais, un problème de mise en forme, je suis pas fou pour mettre des "e" et enlever 10 lettres de chaque mot. Razz
Merci encore ! Wink
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Codel96 MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 20:15   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2013
Messages: 34
Localisation: ls -r /users | grep "Codel*"
Je m'en doute bien Razz ! Bon boulot en tout cas.
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MidoChou MessagePosté le: Mar 13 Aoû 2013 20:25   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2013
Messages: 206
Merci ! Wink
Si vous tenez à corriger mes traductions, y'en a une qui est totalement abandonnée et qui a été publiée avant celle-ci. Cliquez-ici pour y accéder.
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a_queenoffairys MessagePosté le: Jeu 29 Aoû 2013 02:18   Sujet du message: Re: Traduction de "Interview avec Gulliver Bevernaege&a Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2009
Messages: 58
Localisation: Australie
Mots/phrases manquants
MidoChou a écrit:
Interview with Gulliver Bevernaege
Interview of Gulliver Bevernaege
Actor embodying Odd Della Robbia

You will find on this page a lot of information about Gulliver Bevernaege !

Being in contact with the actors thanks to its partnership with Moonscoop, had the opportunity to interview Gulliver Bevernaege in a private Skype chat. Here is the report of the conversation with Gulliver and the website's editor. Thank you Gulliver for having answered the questions!

For more information about Gulliver (General info, photos, media, etc.),
>> Visit his "Actor" page <<

The interview of Gulliver, by

Shaka: So, we begin with life outside of Lyoko. Can you tell us more about your passions?

Gulliver Bevernaege: My passions are video games Razz Roller-skating, sport, music and also reading. I also like eating.

Shaka: What kind of music? And what are your favorite dishes?

Gulliver Bevernaege: My favorite kind of music is rap (there's Rizzle Kicks, Chiddy Bang, Eminem, etc.) and my favorite dishes are meat, potatoes Razz , everything fast food and also my BEST is livia pasta (pasta with some ham, peas, some crème fraiche, and grated cheese).

Shaka: Geek moment! Let's talk about video games! Rumors mention that you would be a fan of MMORPG?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I'm not a fan but I spent a LOT of time on World of Warcraft, and now I play Guild Wars 2.

Shaka: Your characters on World Of Warcraft? =)

Gulliver Bevernaege: I have a lot of them actually, (I am going to say my highest levels) so there is Creezy a level 87 zombie thief, Croozy a level 85 zombie witch, Melakir a level 85 Tauren Paladin, Workam a level 85 orc warrior, Neverone (yeah I know that means nothing...) a level 85 blood elf, hmmmm and I have others but we don't care about them Razz. And YES I am VERY MUCH a hoarder.

Shaka: Long live the H2.

Gulliver Bevernaege: That's all.

Shaka: Describe yourself in five words! (You see, that's an example of poor questions! XD)

Gulliver Bevernaege: Crazy, happy, pardon the expression but "wanker", sporty and geeky Razz

Shaka: Sporty and geeky? Have you managed to combine the two?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes, totally, I like to play tennis too. Wink

Shaka: Okay! Can you confirm that Code Lyoko Evolution is your first "huge role" (excluding your appearance in Canaille+)?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I was chosen for a role in a film just after Code Lyoko but, because of the budget, the project was given up.

Shaka: What was the film about?

Gulliver Bevernaege: A whole family who find themselves in a house in the country because of the grandma's death. I didn't know much about it really Razz

Shaka: You told me before that you weren't certain you would be actor later. Now, what is the reason that urged you to be an actor on TV?

Gulliver Bevernaege: My parents and my talent to lie about it xD
And the desire to spend time as a character other than myself... Even if Odd is a bit like me xD

Shaka: Detail about your family: do you have brothers or sisters?

Gulliver Bevernaege: 2 sisters, one is 13 years old, the other one is 18.

Shaka: Last question before the questions concerning Lyoko: does an idol inspire you? In the world of cinema or elsewhere?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Bob Lennon. xD And also PewDiePie.

Shaka: So, we will enter the Lyokosphere! One of the questions that you will undoubtedly be asked the most: did you know Code Lyoko before the recruitment for the role?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes, I watched it when I was young. Moreover, I sometimes thought that Odd was a girl, but yeah.

Shaka: Oh my god, I think you're not the only one. How much did you like the series?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I didn't watch it a lot but in think that I really liked it. Razz

Shaka: Did you have any favorite characters when you was young? Favorite scenes? Favorite episodes?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Mmmmmh, When Odd was putting his hair back and my favorite characters... There's Jim, Sissi (strange yes Razz) Yumi (not too much) and Odd Razz

Shaka: What do you think of your character's hairstyle?

Gulliver Bevernaege: I love it, I'm sticking to it Mr. Green

Shaka: Would you re-do your hair like that in real life? Razz

Gulliver Bevernaege: Pff, I wouldn't mind but I don't know how to do it xD

Shaka: Okay! Odd is a fan of purple. Do you like this color?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yeep, it's one of my favorite colors.

Shaka: Okay. I will try to ask some serious questions... Are there some things that you like about your character, and other things that you don't?

Gulliver Bevernaege: He likes everything I like, so there's no problem Razz

Shaka: What do you think of his...sassy personality? Is it also like you?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Totally Very Happy

Shaka: Do you like it how he changes girlfriends every week? (In Code Lyoko, not in Evolution) Or when he has two at the same time? (Trap question XD)

Gulliver Bevernaege: That's TOTALLY like me Razz

Shaka: Did the episodes of Code Lyoko inspire you for Odd's personality, or did you just follow the script to the letter?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Nah I wasn't inspired by anything, in fact I inspired myself :O I putted lots of "huh" at the ends of sentences, it's a reflex... And that came from me. I'm not sure that I answered right but yeah.

Shaka: How did the casting take place for you? Did you think that you would be chosen? How did you find out about the auditions? Did you know that you would play Odd?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes, I knew that I will be Odd and I had 3 auditions. The first for Odd, the second for Jeremy, and the third for Odd. Razz

Shaka: Can you tell us about the preparation that you had for the filming (information about the series, exercise, training, etc...)?

Gulliver Bevernaege: We had one week during Easter to train.

Shaka: What kind of training?

Gulliver Bevernaege: To properly fit into our characters' roles.

Shaka: Did they make you see the original episodes? Or something like that?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Nope.

Shaka: So a question has been on peoples' minds hehe: who won the laser game which you had with the other actors at the beginning to get to know each other?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Ahah Razz It's Matthieu, the first assistant Very Happy

Shaka: Okay. So the film crew was involved. And among the actors, who got the best score?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Hm, I think it was Diego but I'm not sure anymore.

Shaka: Your feelings about the filming: the atmosphere, relationship with the film crew?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Perfecto.

Shaka: The pressure was easy to manage?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yes. Personally, I wasn't stressed.

Shaka: Are there actors/actresses with whom you were closer during the filming? Who did you like filming with in particular?

Gulliver Bevernaege: No, I was close with everyone, though a little closer to Marin and Pauline because we are of the same age, and we lived together.

Shaka: That allows me to do a wonderful transition to the following question: how was life in the host house?According to the law, the minors have to be under guardianship, but was it strict? Was it cool? Not too boring after a busy day of filming?

Gulliver Bevernaege: It sucked, we had to go bed at 10PM... We wished we were 16 so that we could go to the other house.

Shaka: There were two houses?

Gulliver Bevernaege: For the adults and for the kids (us).

Shaka: Was the house nice?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yeah, not bad.

Shaka: How were your meetings with the other actors? Did you get closer to them outside the filming?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Yeah, we became friends so fast. And even more for two certain actors xD

Shaka: Won't we talk about Mélanie and Quentin?

Gulliver Bevernaege: Nooo absolutely not!

Shaka: Have you seen each other outside of the filming? Have you decided to keep in touch after the filming is finished?

Gulliver Bevernaege: We haven't met since the last screening

Shaka: Within the limits of information that you are authorized to reveal: what was the moment that made a deep impression on you?

Gulliver Bevernaege: When the filming was finished, that was a shock. I was happy and sad.
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