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[Terminée] Traduction de "Nos espaces de travail"

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MidoChou MessagePosté le: Lun 12 Aoû 2013 23:28   Sujet du message: [Terminée] Traduction de "Nos espaces de travail" Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2013
Messages: 206
Nos espaces de travail -> Our workspaces

Salut à tous, et notamment aux membres de l'équipe du site !
Je vous présente aujourd'hui une traduction beaucoup plus lourde par rapport à ma dernière : La traduction de la page "Nos espaces de travail" dans la rubrique "Equipe". Merci de la vérifier ! Wink

MidoChou a écrit:

Our workspaces

At our homes…

A small page without big claim to show you our workspaces. It is good to discover, who knows?! Welcome!


CyberjujuM @ Toulouse

The PC where I work... It’s not always so orderly, it’s for the photo ! Razz

To the left, Dreamweaver in design mode for the realization of this section... To the right, FTP Expert who is ready to publish it on our main server ;p

To the left, Dreamweaver in coding mode (my preferred ^^), here for the space fanarts. In the center, ACDSee to manage the episodes’ galeries, to the right VirtualdubMOD used to realize the episodes’ galeries, and down we can perceive the administration of the Smiley’s guide Wink


Johann @ Paris

To the left, overview of the studio Paris, to the right, Dreamweaver in coding mode (bbCodes forum!)

To the left, nobody is going to die, it’s just several PuTTY who assure the link between Johann and the servers! To the right, highly philosophic conversation between Johann and me...


Shaka @ Lyon

To the left, the premises of Shaka in Lyon; to the right Shaka working on the section « Places » with Word of course ;p


Arnold @ Lille

To the left, Arnold’s desktop, to the right : After Effects !

To the left, Flash CS3 and to the right... Maya for the 3D !

Photoshop CS3 the best... with a small customization !

Dude Dudu

Etienne @ Amiens

My workspace
Why will I make a photo on an desk while we can be more original? Here is my "night desk" filled of goodies accumulated over the years and that still continues to increase. And in the middle that, a small quite netbook.

A screen of my … screen Mr. Green
You can perceive on the upper left screen the interface of allowing add/modify the media, as well as below what to reach the interfaces of the Facebook page, the Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube of to continue to update these platforms and finally the rest of the screen which is filledwith finds of Dude Dudu! Wink


Kerian @ Essonne

My personal space
The cave of the monster... Observe the delicacy of the present instruments on the desk... After all, we need to have the good tools to moderate on the forum.

A screen of… my screen
Gmail, Facebook, and Skype... Simple but effective! After all, it’s, " What did you expect? ".


Wilson @ Marseille

My personal space
I am equipped with my laptop which follows me everywhere, to be connected all time. Then a powerful PC to realize all my projects, makes, games, programs, virtual pc, virtual server, etc.... (All which demands resource). I never wait one second for the launch of a program. Mr. Green

A screen of… my screen
A screen of my main PC, where we can see, where I can watch everything: the episodes of Code Lyoko Evolution, one of the galleries that I realized on an episode of Code Lyoko Evolution.
Other one projects are not in the screen, normal at the moment it’s secret.
My laptop, for the communication. Then my huge PC with 2 screens, the one to work, the other one is a movie or to verify what is happening on the forum.


Apolyon @ Henin-Baumont

My personal space
A simple desk, globally well tidied up, containing my laptop with its ventilated support, as well as I smile! We also see handkerchiefs... I would not talk about it!
On this photo it is tidied up well, but it is not still the case! Wink

A screen of… my screen
We see the various windows on Google Chrome which represents what I do (forum of CL.FR, YouTube, Facebook), the Photoshop software for the graphics, the image of the factory, which is going to serve me to draw! We also see my Skype window, because I am connected most of the time on Skype by being on the PC.


Thran @ Versailles

My personal space
What better can we say that it is the simple working desk which is in my room, which I have to reorganize for the occasion. You will observe to things concerning Code Lyoko (I think that it is visible). Then, nothing special to say, ah, yes, I’m not a player but I have player’s mouse and keyboard (it is especially for the backlighting of touches and the resistance) and to finish the webcam, connected for the conferences. Nothing more.

A screen of… my screen
You observe once again the special decoration of CL.FR. Then, don’t be amazed at the state of the applications, it is normal and for once, there is no excess (mostly, it is about ten and still, and I don’t exagerate). Then, we observe also that I am at the same time working on the forum, on Lyokoinfo and on things concernant my personal life (theater). Well on, the video was also specially positioned so that you do not see everything, Curious !


Juliane @ Saint Etienne

My personal space
At first, it is not my personal space, but that of my husband. The only things which belong to me are the iPad and the iPhone. The pc allows me to make some things as the iPad does not allow me to do, as well say that I use almost never the pc, except in exceptional circumstances. The desk is tidied up for once!

A screen of… my screen
However a simple moderor I am, I decided to show you that what I wanted! Finally, I use Skype for the conferences and for the personal conversations, which I have with members of the forum or my friends. Then, of course, my workplace, the forum. I spend a lot of time to update the page to look at the new messages or at the new subjects. I do not show you all the tabs which I open when I am on the pc, it is a little muddled.

Café Noir

Café Noir @ Rennes

My personal space
My laptop-vista-which-has-never-worked-suitably is put on my modest and dusty keyboard, useful in case of absence of imagination. My wonderful speakers, essential to my peace and to my serenity. My uncountable rewards, rewarding my work persisted in the piano. And a small chap who dangles in front of my lamp. Why not ?

A screen of… my screen
In your left, the specifications (do not ask me why it “functional”) of the number 8 of the magazine. Above on the right, Skype is opened, I am in a big conversation with my fabulous immediate superiors. Below on the right, the forum is permanently open on Google Chrome, just to collect the crunchiest posts and especially your reactions to the previous number of the magazine.


Kelsey @ USA

My personal space
Just my desk. And yes, that is a Pokemon guide.

A screen of... my screen
To the left is the PDF of my final translation for the interview with Marin.
Beneath it is the original French.
And to the right is the spreadsheet, which the translation team uses to keep track of our work.

Here's me translating at the computer...
What? You thought I was human?

A queen of fairys

Alexis @ Australia

My personal space
My computer setup plus Ginger. The spray bottle is to stop him from chewing all the cables on my desk!

A screen of... my screen
My screen while translating the episode guides. Don't worry, I only use Google Translate as a quick and very simple "dictionary" for simple vocabulary I haven't learnt yet. I use a proper dictionary when I'm not sure about something.


Roxie @ France

My personal space
As if my love for Doctor Who and all things English wasn't obvious enough ...

A screen of... my screen
Currently working on the translation of one of the interviews Smile

Et voilà, j'espère que ce n'est pas catastrophique ! Wink

Dernière édition par MidoChou le Sam 17 Aoû 2013 02:54; édité 1 fois
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Coquilame MessagePosté le: Sam 17 Aoû 2013 00:36   Sujet du message: Re: Traduction de la page "Nos espaces de travail" Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2013
Messages: 68
Localisation: Etats-Unis
Ouf, enfin, j'ai trouvé le temps de faire cette page.

MidoChou a écrit:

Our workspaces

At our homes…

A small, humble page to show you our workspaces. It could be fun to see after all! Welcome!


CyberjujuM @ Toulouse

The PC where I work... It’s not always so orderly, it’s for the photo! Razz

To the left, Dreamweaver in design mode for the creation of this section... To the right, FTP Expert who is ready to publish it on our main server ;p

To the left, Dreamweaver in coding mode (my preference ^^), here for the fanarts space. In the center, ACDSee to manage the episode galeries, to the right VirtualdubMOD used to create the episode galeries, and in the back, we can see the administration of the episode guide Wink


Johann @ Paris

To the left, an overview of my Paris studio, to the right, Dreamweaver in coding mode (bbCodes forum!)

To the left, nobody is going to die, it’s just several PuTTY who assure the link between Johann and the servers! To the right, highly philosophic conversation between Johann and me...


Shaka @ Lyon

To the left, the premises of Shaka in Lyon; to the right Shaka working on the section « Places » with Word of course ;p


Arnold @ Lille

To the left, Arnold’s desktop, to the right: After Effects!

To the left, Flash CS3 and to the right... Maya for the 3D!

Photoshop CS3, the magnificent... with a small customization!

Dude Dudu

Etienne @ Amiens

My workspace
Why make a photo of my desk when we can be more original? Here is my "one-night desk" covered with goodies accumulated over the years and that still continues to increase. And in the middle of that, a nice, little netbook.

A screenshot of my screen
You can see on the upper left screenshot the interface for adding/modifying the media, as well as below the access to the interfaces for the Facebook page, the Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube of to continue to update these platforms and finally the rest of the screen which is filled with the finds of Dude Dudu! Wink


Kerian @ Essonne

My personal space
The monster's den... Note the sharpness of the instruments present on the desk... After all, we need to have good tools to moderate the forum.

A screenshot of my screen...
Gmail, Facebook, and Skype... Simple but effective! After all, it’s, " What did you expect?"


Wilson @ Marseille

My personal space
I am equipped with my laptop which follows me everywhere, so I can be connected all the time. Then a powerful PC to create all my projects, montages, games, programs, virtual pc, virtual server, etc.... (All which demands resources). I never wait one second for the launch of a program. Mr. Green

A screenshot of my screen...
A screenshot of my main PC, where we can see where I can watch everything: the episodes of Code Lyoko Evolution, one of the galleries that I created on an episode of Code Lyoko Evolution.
Of the other projects not on the screen, it's normal at the moment it’s secret.
My laptop for communication. Then my huge PC with 2 screens, the one to work, the other one is for watching a movie or to check what is happening on the forum.


Apolyon @ Henin-Baumont

My personal space
A simple desk, clean overall, with my laptop with its ventilated support, as well as my mouse! There are also some tissues... But moving on!
In this photo, everything is pretty tidy, but that's not always the case! Wink

A screenshot of my screen...
We see some various windows in Google Chrome representing what I do (CL.FR forums, YouTube, Facebook), the Photoshop software for the graphics, the image of the factory, which I'm without a doubt planning to draw! We also see my Skype window, because I am connected most of the time on Skype while on the PC.


Thran @ Versailles

My personal space
This is basically the simple working desk which is in my room, which I had to reorganize for the occasion. You will notice some things related to Code Lyoko (or so I think that it is visible). Then, nothing special to say, ah, yes, I’m not a gamer but I have a gaming mouse and keyboard (it is mostly for the backlighting of touches and the resistance) and to finish, the webcam, connected for meetings. Nothing more.

A screenshot of my screen...
Once again, you can see the special decoration for CL.FR. Next, don’t be surprised by all the applications, it is normal and for once, there aren't too many open (mostly, it is about ten and still, and I don’t exaggerate). Notice also that I am at the same time working on the forum, on Lyokoinfo and on things concerning my personal life (theater). Well, the video was also positioned specifically so that you do not see everything. Curious!


Juliane @ Saint Etienne

My personal space
First off, this is not my personal space, but that of my husband. The only things which belong to me are the iPad and the iPhone. The PC allows me to make some things that the iPad does not allow me to do. Though I almost never use the PC, except in exceptional circumstances. The desk is tidied up for once!

A screenshot of my screen...
However a simple moderator I am, I decided I'd show you whatever I want! So, I use Skype for the conferences and for the personal conversations, which I have with members of the forum or my friends. Then, of course, my workplace, the forum. I spend a lot of time there updating the page to look at new messages or at new subjects. I did not show you all the tabs which I open when I am on the PC, it's kind of a mess.

Café Noir

Café Noir @ Rennes

My personal space
My Vista-Laptop-Which-Has-Never-Really-Worked is placed above my modest and dusty piano, useful in case of I'm lacking imagination. My wonderful speakers, essential to my peace and to my serenity. My uncountable achievements, rewarding my persistant work at the piano. And a small guy who dangles in front of my lamp. Why not?

A screenshot of my screen...
To your left, the specifications (do not ask me why it says “functional”) of the 8th issue of the magazine. Above on the right, Skype is opened, I am in a big conversation with my fabulous immediate superiors. Below on the right, the forum is permanently open on Google Chrome, just to collect the funniest of posts and especially your reactions to the previous number of the magazine.


Kelsey @ USA

My personal space
Just my desk. And yes, that is a Pokemon guide.

A screen of... my screen
To the left is the PDF of my final translation for the interview with Marin.
Beneath it is the original French.
And to the right is the spreadsheet, which the translation team uses to keep track of our work.

Here's me translating at the computer...
What? You thought I was human?

A queen of fairys

Alexis @ Australia

My personal space
My computer setup plus Ginger. The spray bottle is to stop him from chewing all the cables on my desk!

A screen of... my screen
My screen while translating the episode guides. Don't worry, I only use Google Translate as a quick and very simple "dictionary" for simple vocabulary I haven't learnt yet. I use a proper dictionary when I'm not sure about something.


Roxie @ France

My personal space
As if my love for Doctor Who and all things English wasn't obvious enough ...

A screen of... my screen
Currently working on the translation of one of the interviews Smile

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Shaka MessagePosté le: Sam 17 Aoû 2013 01:16   Sujet du message: Répondre en citant  

Inscrit le: 12 Avr 2006
Messages: 3893
Localisation: Sur une colline, près des étoiles
Corrigée et mise en ligne.

Merci énormément à vous deux ! Love !

Les fleurs naissent, puis se fânent. Les étoiles brillent puis s'éteignent. Ainsi, la galaxie et notre Univers tout entier seront, un jour, amenés à disparaître...
A côté, la vie d'un homme ne représente qu'un éphémère battement de cils... Durant ce temps, l'homme naît et grandit, il s'amuse et se bat, il aime et déteste, il est heureux, puis triste... Tout ça, en un très court instant...
Avant de tomber dans un éternel sommeil qu'est la Mort...
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